DeLay Hunting Votes Again -- But Not for a Politician

ByABC News
September 6, 2006, 10:59 PM

Sept. 9, 2006 — -- When Tom DeLay was forced to give up his House Majority Leader post last year due to an indictment in Texas, and then when he decided to resign from the House last Spring instead of fighting an uphill battle to reelection, he probably didn't envision getting involved with another campaign so quickly.

However, that is exactly what the former Republican congressman nicknamed "The Hammer" is doing in retirement according to a letter he sent to supporters today. This time he has his sights set on country music singer Sara Evans' campaign to best the competition on ABC's hit show, "Dancing with the Stars."

DeLay's letter urges his supporters to watch and vote for Evans, who performed at the 2004 Republican National Convention and has a history of supporting Republican candidates. "Sara Evans has been a strong supporter of the Republican Party and represents good American values in the media ... we have always been able to count on Sara for her support of the things we all believe in. Let's show Sara that same support," writes DeLay.

DeLay also sizes up the competition. "One of her opponents on the show is ultra liberal talk show host Jerry Springer. We need to send a message to Hollywood and the media that smut has no place on television by supporting good people like Sara Evans," adds DeLay.

Evans makes her "Dancing with the Stars" on the show's September 12 premiere.

Perhaps Tom DeLay is blazing the trail for future former politicians. Once they retire from office, they can always run a reality television show campaign.