Poll: Majority Expect U.S. Will 'Lose' in Iraq

ByABC News
April 16, 2007, 10:21 PM

April 16, 2007 — -- A bare majority of Americans for the first time believe the United States will lose the war in Iraq, and a new high -- two-thirds -- say the war was not worth fighting. Yet the public divides on setting a deadline for withdrawal.

That mix of sentiments -- unhappy with the war, unclear what to do about it -- is keeping George W. Bush in deep disfavor. Just 35 percent approve of his job performance overall, a scant two points above his career low. And just 29 percent like how he's dealing with the situation in Iraq.

Moreover, in a shift, most Americans in this ABC News/Washington Post poll now reject Bush's argument that winning in Iraq is necessary to win the broader war against terrorism. Fifty-seven percent disagree with that contention, up from 47 percent in January. That echoes a change that appeared in January and continues today in which most (56 percent) now favor eventual withdrawal even if civil order is not restored.

Yet, given pro and con arguments (avoiding further casualties vs. potentially encouraging Iraqi insurgents), a pullout deadline is not widely popular.

The public divides about evenly, 51-48 percent, on setting any deadline. It's about the same specifically as on the effort by congressional Democrats to force withdrawal by no later than August 2008.

Indeed, the Democrats in Congress haven't conclusively seized the reins on Iraq: Their approval for handling the war is low as well -- 37 percent.

Nonetheless, they do continue to lead Bush, now by 25 points, in trust to handle it. By a similar margin most (58 to 34 percent) say the Democrats are taking the stronger role in Washington overall.

With Bush into his third year without majority approval -- a trough unseen since Harry Truman's presidency -- the Democrats are benefiting in other ways. Just over 100 days into their regime, 54 percent approve of the way the Democrats in Congress are doing their jobs; just 39 percent approve of the Republicans.

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