Ted Cruz Gets a Lightsaber at New Hampshire Town Hall

Cruz was given the lightsaber to fight Citizens United.

ByABC News
January 21, 2016, 4:42 PM

— -- Did Ted Cruz just join the ranks of Luke Skywalker and Yoda?

Not exactly.

At a town hall in New Hampshire on Thursday, an attendee asked Cruz to join the Jedi force against Citizens United and handed the Republican presidential candidate a lightsaber. Cruz laughed and accepted the fictional Jedi weapon from the “Star Wars” film series.

But ultimately Cruz turned down joining the fight against the controversial Supreme Court decision -- which removes some restrictions on corporate contributions in election cycles, although not directly to campaigns.

"I believe in the American people and Democracy and the more you silence citizens, the more the Empire and the Death Star and the power of government gets stronger because you’re silencing citizens," Cruz said in defense of the court decision.

The Texas senator has acknowledged he is a huge “Star Wars” fan, calling Han Solo the “coolest character in all of cinema” and often doing impressions of Yoda and Darth Vader.

He is likely hoping that the force will be with him on primary day too.