'This Week' Transcript: Sen. Tim Kaine and Kellyanne Conway

A rush transcript for "This Week" on October 30, 2016.

ByABC News
October 30, 2016, 9:33 AM

— -- THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT FOR 'THIS WEEK' on October 30, 2016 and it will be updated.


ANNOUNCER: Starting right now on This Week with George Stephanopoulos.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Any reaction to the FBI reopening the investigation?

ANNOUNCER: October shocker.

DONALD TRUMP, REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: This is the biggest political scandal since Watergate.

ANNOUNCER: Donald Trump gets a big boost thanks to the FBI. Hillary Clinton fighting on two fronts.

HILLARY CLINTON, DEMOCRATIC PRESIDNETIAL CANDIDATE: Some of you may have heard about a letter that the FBI director sent out yesterday.

Of course, Donald Trump is already making up lies about this.

ANNOUNCER: The FBI and Justice Department in open warfare over the timing of the email announcement. Can Clinton recover from the bombshell revelation? Will it influence the outcome of the election? We're one-on-one with Clinton runningmate Tim Kaine exclusively on This Week.

And Trump's campaign manager here live. In this unpredictable campaign.

CLINTON: Anything can happen in an election.

TRUMP: Be careful with your votes and watch your votes.

ANNOUNCER: Are there more surprises still to come?

From ABC News, it's This Week.

Here now, chief anchor George Stephanopoulos.


GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS, HOST: What a wild 48 hours it has been. Perhaps the biggest October surprise yet, this one aimed right at Hillary Clinton.

There she is on stage with J-Lo last night in Miami shaking off the shocking news from fBI Director James Comey that his investigators have found emails which could be connected to Clinton's previously closed case.

Clinton also shaking off our latest poll, which shows the tightest race in weeks. It has her ahead by just one point, 46-45, an 11 point drop from last Sunday.

The poll is a rolling four day average so it doesn't capture the email effect. But one-third polled after the news broke say it makes them less likely to support Clinton.

Most are Republicans, but early sign that news can energize Clinton opponents to press potential supporters.

So, has a race that looked all but over taken it's most dramatic turn yet.


STEPHANOPOULOS: It hit about 1:00 p.m. Friday. Hillary Clinton on a plane to Iowa with shaky wi-fi, no access to the news. 30,000 feet below, Comey tells congress that the FBI has discovered new emails from Clinton's closest aide Huma Abedin.

The emails were found on a computer Abedin shared with her estranged husband Anthony Weiner, under investigation for sexting a minor. Neither Huma nor Clinton knows about the crisis below, but Trump does.

TRUMP: I need to open with a very critical breaking news announcement. They are reopening the case into her criminal and illegal conduct.

STEPHANOPOULOS: On touchdown, no answers from Clinton.

UNIDENTIFIFIED FEMALE: Secretary Clinton, any reaction to Director Comey reopening his investigation into your emails?

STEPHANOPOULOS: Five hours later she faces the press.

CLINTON: The director himself has said he doesn't know whether the emails referenced in his letter are significant or not. I'm confident, whatever they are, will not change the conclusion reached in July.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Saturday, the story splashed across the swing states. Trump is energized.

TRUMP: Hillary has nobody to blame but herself. Her criminal action was willful, deliberate, intentional and purposeful.

STEPHANOPOULOS: But after news breaks that Comey defied Justice Department guidance by releasing that letter to congress, Clinton counterattacks.

CLINTON: It's pretty strange to put something like that out with such little information right before an election. In fact, it's not just strange, it's unprecedented and it is deeply troubling.

STEPHANOPOULOS: And with nine days to go, Trump has a new talking point.

TRUMP: This is the biggest political scandal since Watergate. And it's everybody's deepest hope that justice at last will be beautifully delivered.


STEPHANOPOULOS: OK. Let's take in this with our experts, our senior justice correspondent Pierre Thomas, our chief legal analyst Dan Abrams.

And Pierre, let me begin with you. Let's try to get some facts on the table here. What do we actually know about these emails?

PIERRE THOMAS, ABC NEWS JUSTICE CORRESPONDENT: Well, the FBI was investigating Anthony Wiener, the former congressman from New York for an alleged sexting scandal involving a 15-year-old. In the course of that investigation they recovered devices, and one of these device is a laptop. It turns out these laptop has information showing Huma perhaps emailing with other State Department aides. And at that point, they wonder, OK, could this be connected to the previous investigation? They don't have a warrant to pursue that. So they have to come back to Comey and say what do we do now?

STEPHANOPOULOS: So, they haven't seen the emails?

THOMAS: They have not done any detail looking at these particular emails and that is the issue. They don't know what's in them. And the FBI director put out a letter to his staff on Friday basically acknowledging that they do not know what they have.

STEPHANOPOULOS: But we know there are probably several thousand emails here. There have been reports suggesting there are no emails between Abedin and Clinton. Is that true? Do we know that?

THOMAS: We don't know yet. It's possible, is what one source told me last night. Again, they have a sense that there was communication between Huma and other State Department aides and employees, but they haven't dug down into them to get the level of details they would need.

STEPHANOPUOLOS: And, Dan, was part of the reason that Comey has gotten so much criticism not just from the Clinton campaign, but also other legal experts is because he doesn't actually know what's in the emails yet sends this to congress very unusual against Justice Department guidelines to have that kind of communication about an investigation.

DAN ABRAMS, ABC NEWS LEGAL ANALYST: Right. But he's stuck between a rock and a hard place in terms of what he should do and most importantly how he should do it.

So, even if you believe he should have told congress something, right, fearing, for example, what if it leaks, then it's going to be so much worse, that people don't know exactly what's happening. There was still another way to do it. The note he sent sounded so ominous that the immediate response was oh, my goodness, they're effectively reopening the investigation.

STEPHANOPOULOS: But I thought the rules were that especially this close to an election a law enforcement official never talks about an ongoing investigation.

ABRAMS: The guidelines, right. So, basically the Justice Department guidelines would suggest, a, that it shouldn't be James Comey who is doing the speaking publicly anyway and, b, that you have to be very careful when it comes to an election.

But, again, I would say that he's in a tough spot because when they do find something like this out and they are investigating it, he probably wants to inform them rather than somehow they find out in another way.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Pierre, one thing we know is that senior Justice Department officials told Comey don't do this.

THOMAS: Exactly, the tradition at the Justice Department is that, a, you don't talk about ongoing investigations and, b, that you don't do anything close to the end of a campaign that potentially would affect an election. Eight words. Damned if you do and damned if you don't.

I talked to someone very close to Comey who talked about the fact that he struggled with what to do here, but decided that he could not be in a position where it looked like he was hiding something about Hillary Clinton.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Dan Abrams, Comey also faced criticism back in July when he closed out the investigation and gave the press conference. A lot of people said that was unusual as well.

He justified saying it was because there was such intense public interest in this case. Does that also lead to the idea now that he should be giving out more details because there's such intense public interest.

ABRAMS: Well, in theory then you had a conclusion. You had the results. And he was explaining what they found and didn't find.

Here we don't know what they have.

But let's be clear about what they aren't doing, what they aren't doing is going back and reviewing all of the old emails and reassessing whether they made the right decision in the first place. What they're doing is saying is there anything else that is relevant to our investigation and if they already found with Hillary Clinton's own emails, where they found classified information that it didn't rise to the level of a crime, it's an even longer long shot that now with Huma Abedin's emails they're going to find evidence of a crime, meaning the intentional mishandling of evidence or disloyalty of the country.

STEPHANOPOULOS: And, Pierre, so far no evidence that Clinton or her aides withheld information from the FBI?

THOMAS: That's right.

Sources are saying they have no information that any crime has taken place here. This is exactly what Dan said. They want to simply know is there anything in this new batch of emails that could have impacted the earlier investigation.

Law enforcement officials are saying that this is an unusual situation, unprecedented. And also it speaks to the poisonous nature of Washington where you had Clinton now criticizing the FBI director, Trump was criticizing him a few weeks ago, and he's now in exactly the place where he diden't wanted to be, which is right in the middle of a campaign.

STEPHANOPOULOS: So, what's next, the FBI gets the warrant perhaps today, perhaps tomorrow. Do they give out more information?

THOMAS: He's under tremendous pressure to give out more information. I've talked to someone again close to him who said, look, everything is on the table. We could see some kind of update about what they found early in reviewing these emails once they get the court order, assuming that they do.

Unlikely again taht this will be completed in now nine days. But he's under pressure to say more than what he said.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Bloomberg is now reporting that he's briefing members of congress. Should Comey give out more information?

ABRAMS: It depends. If they have some sort of resolution, absolutely. He's again in a difficult position because he's now released the second letter internally to the FBI which was clearly intended for public consumption. That was his follow-up way of saying, hey, maybe I wasn't clear enough the first time.

STEPHANOPOULOS: OK, thank you both.

Let's bring this now to Hillary Clinton's runningmate Senator Tim Kaine. He joins us now from Richmond, Virginia.

Senator, Kaine, thank you for joining us this morning.

Let's begin with Donald Trump. He has pounced on this news. He calls this the worst scandal since Watergate and Hillary has no one but herself to blame.

SEN. TIM KAINE, (D-VA) VICE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Well, look, he's also made all kinds of wild claims that just aren't true, like the investigation is being reopened. That's not true.

He's making claims about these activities that have been debunked by the FBI, when the FBI reached their conclusion three months ago, that no reasonable prosecutor -- no reasonable prosecutor -- would move forward on this case.

Director Comey was asked about the conclusion which was an unequivocal and he said he wasn't close to reach that conclusion. And we expect that the final conclusion's going to be exactly the same.

Now this is an unprecedented move, as your folks were describing earlier, because it happens close to an election. which is in violation of normal Justice Department protocol and it involves talking about an ongoing investigation, which also violates the protocol.

And as far as we know now, Director Comey knows nothing about the content of these e-mails. We don't know whether they're to or from Hillary at all. And so this is a distraction.

But look, we're focused on winning this race over the next nine days, talking about the kind of president that Hillary will -- Clinton will be and contrasting her stronger together vision --


STEPHANOPOULOS: But what more --

KAINE: -- with the dark and dangerous vision of Donald Trump.

STEPHANOPOULOS: -- but what more do we know about the e-mails?

What has Huma told the campaign?

A source close to the investigation told me this morning that this was Anthony Weiner's computer, according to her, not her computer and that the first she heard about these e-mails was on Friday when the news broke.

What has she told the campaign?

What do you think is there?

KAINE: Well, listen, I'm not going to speculate because the FBI director doesn't know. I mean, he had to issue a second letter internally within the FBI to, frankly, back up because the first letter created so many misimpressions.

But I think it's now pretty clear that the FBI director doesn't know that there is anything -- these could be duplicates of what's already been analyzed. They could be things that don't have anything to do with Hillary Clinton.

We can't speculate about it. That's why we're asking the FBI director, OK, you violated these two protocols, if you put out kind of a letter and then had to do a second letter to kind of backtrack, you owe the public full information. That's what Hillary Clinton wants and that's what the American public deserves.


STEPHANOPOULOS: So what exactly what you want him to do right now?

What exactly do you want him to release?

KAINE: Well, I think he should release -- if he hasn't seen the e-mails, I mean, they need to make that completely plain. Then they should work to see the emails and release the circumstances of those once they have done that analysis. That's what Hillary said immediately when she spoke to the press on Friday.

She said, look, you can't break both of these protocols and then leave it just kind of up in the air with a question mark. You owe people the complete information. Hillary cooperated with the FBI in this investigation. The FBI reached a rock-solid conclusion, that there was no need to take it forward.

No reasonable prosecutor would do it. And so to the extent that now there's a question mark, what needs to happen is the FBI director needs to give more information.

STEPHANOPOULOS: But if you don't know what's in the e-mails, how can you be so sure that it's not going to change his conclusions?

KAINE: Because of the unequivocal nature of the conclusion. This was a lengthy investigation, George, a very long and very elaborate investigation, not a slapdash one, not a short one. And the conclusion they reached, as Director Comey said to Congress, was not even close. And that conclusion was very unequivocal.

No reasonable prosecutor would do anything about it. So when Donald Trump is going around making these wild claims about trying to jail his political opponent and all of this stuff, he's just making this up. He doesn't get to decide what the laws of the country are.

And so, look, this is a distraction in the last nine days. But we're happy that, this weekend, we have had 50,000 volunteers working yesterday. We see very strong trends in early voting, especially in states like Ohio, North Carolina and Florida, where we have good data.

And we're not going to be distracted by this. We're going to power forward to make our case about why Hillary's going to be the next president.

STEPHANOPOULOS: As you know, a lot of Democrats are incensed by James Comey's actions. Dianne Feinstein, senator Dianne Feinstein, called his actions appalling.

Howard Dean, former Democratic candidate for president, says, quote, "He may have destroyed the creditability of the FBI forever. Put himself on the same side as Putin."

Do you agree with that?

KAINE: You know, I -- what I -- what I said when I was -- when I talked about this Friday, was just it's just extremely puzzling.

Why would you break these two protocols?

Why would you release information that is so incomplete -- when you haven't even seen the material yourself -- 11 days before an election?

Why would you talk about an ongoing investigation?

I have -- I just have no way of understanding these actions. They're completely unprecedented and that's why I think he owes the American public more information.

STEPHANOPOULOS: But in the past, you've had great praise for him, Director Comey. You called him a wonderful and tough career public servant.

Do you still believe that --


KAINE: That's what makes this -- that's what makes this so hard to understand, George. It really does.

I worked with Jim Comey when he was in the Eastern District of Virginia U.S. Attorney's office and I was mayor here. That's what makes this so completely puzzling. They did a very thorough investigation of this matter and they weren't releasing tentative conclusions along the way.

They waited until they got to the end of it and then he gave a very unequivocal finding. And so why he would release this sort of tentative letter and then have to back up on it within 24 hours, when he haven't even -- hadn't even seen the e-mails himself, I just cannot understand it.

STEPHANOPOULOS: But how about the point that Dan Abrams was making earlier, that he was caught between a rock and a hard place, he would have been criticized for keeping silent on an issue like this before the election?

KAINE: George, the issue for the FBI director is not whether somebody would criticize him. The issue for the FBI director is, is he following established protocols for law enforcement investigation?

You know, criticism comes with the territory. But you can't tack and move one direction or the next to avoid criticism. Following established protocols and rules is what you would expect from a chief law enforcement official.

STEPHANOPOULOS: You say you're not worried about the impact on the race. Right now you're seeing some strong signs in early states. But look at our poll over the last week. An 11-point shift according to the ABC News tracking poll.

You have had stories about WikiLeaks every day, stories about The Clinton Foundation every day and now this e-mail story as well.

Aren't you a bit worried that this is moving against you?

KAINE: Well, look, is the race close?

In some polls it is and in some polls it isn't. But we've always assumed it would be close and we're working like it's close. We like where we are in the states that are the keys and you do now start to get data, George, that's even advanced beyond polls, which is you get information about who is registering.

You get information about who is seeking absentee ballot requests and -- which are being returned -- and you get information about early vote in the states that have it. That data about actual voter participation is more meaningful at the end of the race than polls and we feel very, very good about that, taking nothing for granted. Hillary is trying to do something that's never been done in the history of this nation, which means she's running into a headwind.

But we're going to run very, very hard and we're excited about the energy we see from a nation that now has more than 200 million registered voters, including 50 million, who are Millennials between 18 and 34.

STEPHANOPOULOS: No indication that this e-mail story yet has shifted the race?

KAINE: No. I even, in your poll, I -- you know, I -- the way I looked at the poll that you discussed earlier, the folks who are concerned about it are folks who were not voting for Hillary Clinton anyway. And more than 60 percent of the folks that you guys polled said this is not a story that concerns them.

STEPHANOPOULOS: This e-mail issue has just bedeviled Hillary Clinton this entire campaign. You say she's learned from it.

What exactly has she learned?

KAINE: Well, look, she's learned -- I think that -- I -- rather than put words in her mouth, I mean, I'll just say what she has said.

She's said, look, I used this private server to -- as a matter of convenience and it was about being able to do work 24/7 even when I was at home. But now I've learned that I should have done otherwise. That's a -- that's been an important lesson. I absorb it.

She's also said something that you never hear Donald Trump say, I take responsibility for it, I apologize for it and I'll do differently going forward.

Donald Trump won't apologize for going after the Khan family, that Gold Star family from Virginia. He won't apologize for trash talking John McCain because of his POW status.

He's not apologizing to all these women who are coming forward with allegations against him. In fact, he's saying he's going to sue them if he gets to be president. Hillary knows how to take responsibility when she's concluded that she's made a mistake. That's an important element of the character of somebody in the Oval Office.

STEPHANOPOULOS: The Clinton Foundation has been in the news as well.

Should it be shut down if Hillary Clinton becomes president?

Or pushed over to another independent entity?

KAINE: You know, George, The Clinton Foundation, of course, the Clintons themselves receive no salary from the foundation and the foundation receives marks from organizations that look at charities in a very elevated way, higher marks than other great charities, like the American Red Cross, for example.

This is a charity that's doing great work around the world and in this country on issues like HIV/AIDS and opioid addiction. And the comparison in The Clinton Foundation that's the best one is The Trump Foundation which had to pay a fine for an illegal campaign contribution. You can't make a campaign contribution out of a charitable foundation.

But Donald Trump's foundation did. They hid it, pretended it wasn't a campaign contribution. They got caught. The money was going to the Florida attorney general, who, at the time, their office was looking at an investigation at a Trump University and they got fined by the IRS.

So if we're going to talk about foundations, we ought to compare a foundation that's doing good work for people around the world in the best traditions of American philanthropy and a foundation, The Trump Foundation, which, according to "The Washington Post's" lead story today, is nothing but an effort to self-aggrandize Donald Trump and not help anybody.

STEPHANOPOULOS: We are nine days out.

Are you going to be vice president of the United States?

KAINE: You know what, I take nothing for granted. I've been telling every audience, George, I talk to I'm 8 and 0 in elections to this point. But the way I run is I tell myself I'm the underdog until they call me the winner. And that's the same attitude that I have and it's the same attitude that Hillary has as we go into the next nine days.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Senator Kaine, thanks for joining us this morning.

KAINE: Absolutely, George.


STEPHANOPOULOS: And we are joined now by Donald Trump's campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway.

Thanks for coming back to THIS WEEK.


STEPHANOPOULOS: And let me begin where I began with -- with Tim Kaine.

Your boss seems pretty energized by all this. He's called this email investigation worse than Watergate.

How is it worse than Watergate?

CONWAY: He just sees that there's this constant cloud of corruption that follows Hillary Clinton around. And for the FBI to make this remarkable move 11 days before the election means there must be something there.

STEPHANOPOULOS: But Watergate was a criminal conspiracy led by the president of the United States that had 48 people plead guilty.

CONWAY: Well, but -- but, George, and if you look at what's happened with Hillary Clinton and two FBI investigations this year, what Jim Comey did in July, on July 5, he said we declined prosecute her. And then he went on to give us all the list of reasons why she should have been...

STEPHANOPOULOS: But he didn't bring a prosecution. He said no reasonable person...

CONWAY: That's right. He said...

STEPHANOPOULOS: -- would prosecute this.

CONWAY: -- that and then he, as a reasonable person, went through the whole list on July 5 in his very public statement of how reckless and careless she was.

And then two days later, under oath in front of Congress, Jim Comey went through the whole list of contradictions of Hillary Clinton's own words.

There was not just one device, there were 13. She did, in fact, exchange classified national security information.

So he undercut his own premise and he certainly undercut what Secretary Clinton has had.

But look, I think for the voters at this stage, this plays right into their reluctance about Hillary Clinton anyway. In your own ABC polling, where the race is virtually tied, a third of likely voters say that this will make them less likely to vote for Hillary Clinton.

So there is political currency attached to this. I would also remark, in your polls, something that's -- that's truly incredible, whereas Mitt Romney lost to Barack Obama on the (INAUDIBLE) of who cares more about people like you, 82-18, Trump and Clinton are tied. She's not seen as empathetic and compassionate.

And I think issues like this, where people are reminded that she has put the national security at risk just for her peevish personal reasons, is very troubling for her.

STEPHANOPOULOS: You know, Donald Trump has had praise for James Comey, as well, in the last couple of days.

But we spoke just on Wednesday. And here's what he had to say about Mr. Comey.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The FBI director, appointed by a Republican, said no reasonable prosecutor would bring this case.

DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Well, he -- she made a mistake, OK, or -- or whatever. I -- I was -- I don't even call it a mistake. I think something happened.

Look, something happened. You (INAUDIBLE)...


TRUMP: Well, I think somebody talked to him. I think -- hey, look, how can President Clinton, when the attorney general...

STEPHANOPOULOS: So you're saying the head of the FBI is corrupt?

TRUMP: -- there's something going on. George, George, she's so guilty.


STEPHANOPOULOS: So does somebody get to James Comey now?

CONWAY: We don't know. But what we do know is these were two separate investigations. So in the first one, Comey made an unprecedented public statement. He didn't need to do that. He set a very public standard for explaining away his own conclusions.

So that, I think, brought him under much criticism and consternation.

This is different. This is him saying do I sit on new information and thereby affect election results, by not disclosing the fact that yet again, Hillary Clinton and her top aide and confidante, Huma Abedin, are putting this nation and its security and people at risk?

And he decided that he would have to come forward.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Should he come forward with now -- with more right now?

Mike Pence, Mr. Trump's running mate, says that all of the media -- emails pertinent to their investigation should be released.

Should they?

CONWAY: Sure. But we felt that way all the time. We felt that Hillary Clinton could get those 33,000 emails back, unless she truly bleached them and deleted them forever more.

And frankly, George, Hillary Clinton could put this all to rest today by asking Huma Abedin to tell us all what is in those emails?

We know that this is an investigation because her husband is sexting a 15-year-old girl in North Carolina. That's how we got back to this place. This is not the vast right-wing conspiracy. This is not the RNC or the Trump campaign.

It's Huma Abedin's husband.

STEPHANOPOULOS: According to a source close to the investigation, she says it wasn't her computer. The first she heard about this was Friday, when the news broke.

CONWAY: Well, we don't know that. Apparently, Jim Comey and others disagree. There are others doing the federal investigation into her husband's pedophilia proclivities.

And the fact was that he...

STEPHANOPOULOS: But they haven't seen the emails.

CONWAY: Well, none of us have. But the -- but what Mike Pence is calling for is what we've always called for, which is full disclosure and transparency, honesty and immediacy. And that is really a problem that Hillary Clinton and her never-ending scandalabra always has, which is do we -- do people trust her to always tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth?

Her entire career is Hillary first. Our message is America first. Hers is Hillary first, whether she's -- whether she's representing a rapist and getting him off of a 12-year-old girl back in the 1970s, or she's doing this in the first place. The whole reason you and I are having this conversation is because Hillary Clinton decided to flout the law, set up a private server, put on it emails that Jim Comey himself has said were classified and contain national security information.

STEPHANOPOULOS: On July 5, Jim Comey said, "I have no basis for concluding that Hillary Clinton was untruthful with us."

Do you accept that conclusion?

CONWAY: Why, then, did he go to Congress two days later, on July 7, George, and when Trey Gowdy was asking him, Mrs. Clinton said there's one device, is that true?

No, sir, that's not true. There were multiple devices. She says there was no classified or confidential information, is that true?

Jim Comey, under oath to Trey Gowdy, "No, sir, there was national security or classified information."

So he undercut his own conclusion and he certainly undercut Hillary Clinton.

Look, she has a very casual relationship with the truth. And people already know that. For these undecided voters, including in the ABC poll, they're most concerned about her veracity and her dishonesty and this simply doesn't help.

STEPHANOPOULOS: You like our poll this morning, showing a 1 point race. It's a lot different from last Sunday's...


STEPHANOPOULOS: -- 12 point race.

You still have a tough road in the Electoral College and other new polls out this morning show Hillary Clinton with a 6 point lead in -- in North Carolina, a 1 point lead in Florida.

You need both those states to have any chance of getting 270 electoral votes.

CONWAY: We do. And I'm glad you mentioned those two states, because the early election returns in both North Carolina and Florida look very robust and very promising for our campaign. We're ahead of where Mitt Romney was at this stage in 2012.

And in 2012 and in 2014 in North Carolina, both Mitt Romney and the senator, Thom Tillis, were able to put away the race on election day.

We like -- we like the absentee balloting and early voting investments that our campaign and the RNC have made together, because we see that bearing fruit.

But in addition to winning Florida, Ohio, Iowa and North Carolina, we feel very bullish about other states on the map. And we have a couple of insurance policies in there, too. If the Clintons...


CONWAY: -- Pennsylvania, Colorado, Mr. Trump will be in New Mexico today and Michigan tomorrow. We're expanding our math at a time when Hillary Clinton is spending money on paid advertisements in Wisconsin, which has been blue for decades. And she had President Clinton, her husband, in Pennsylvania yesterday...

STEPHANOPOULOS: Also going to Arizona.

CONWAY: -- they've been camping out in it -- well, but that's a head fake, because when she goes to Arizona today, she will be asked how do you abide 116 percent premium increases in Arizona through ObamaCare right now?

What will you do about ObamaCare?

Because people are clicking onto their computers, George, opening up their mailboxes and realizing, in the state of Arizona, they will be on the hook for a 116 percent increase in their health care premiums.

Why should Arizonans and other Americans be facing the very tough affordability questions of should I pay the rent, should I feed my kids or should I keep paying for my health care?

STEPHANOPOULOS: Tim Kaine mentioned that -- the Trump Foundation this morning. A big story in "The Washington Post" that found -- and I'm quoting here -- "The Post" found that Donald Trump's personal giving has almost disappeared entirely in recent years. After calling 420 plus charities with some connection to Trump, "The Post" found only one personal gift from him between 2008 and the spring of 2009 this year."

They call it question all of the promises he's made about giving to charity. will Mr. Trump finally come forward and release his tax returns and show what he's given?

CONWAY: Not until our accountants and our lawyers say that we should. We're under audit.

But he has disclosed a 104 page financial disclosure form that is publicly available. Anybody can pull it up and I say that they should.

But the idea that we're going to compare and equate, let alone conflate, the Clinton Foundation and the Trump Foundation, the Trump Foundation has no family members on the payroll. There's no overhead. Nobody takes a penny from it.

The Clinton Foundation takes money from countries that disrespect women. And that, along with the Clinton Foundation paying its men much more handsomely than it pays its women, I take Hillary Clinton...


CONWAY: -- is hypocritical to say (INAUDIBLE)...

STEPHANOPOULOS: -- but can you document those -- any document -- any contributions to charity over the last seven years from the Foundation?

"The Post" couldn't find any and you all wouldn't respond to them.

CONWAY: Well, I'm told by those who are in charge of the Clinton Foundation, which is not those of us at the campaign...

STEPHANOPOULOS: The Trump Foundation.

CONWAY: -- the Trump -- excuse me, the Trump Foundation, yes, George -- that he's been incredibly generous with his time and his money over the years. He started that Foundation with just his money. He was the only contributor to the Trump Foundation for a number of years.

STEPHANOPOULOS: But nothing over the last five years.

CONWAY: But I don't -- I just don't know that and -- but I would say that as running for president, he's built a movement where people feel like they are included. And he feels like -- they feel like their tax returns will look a heck of a lot better a year or four years from now with him as president.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Kellyanne Conway, thanks very much.

CONWAY: Thank you.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Up next, how will Congress respond to this FBI bombshell?

We talk to two senior congressmen who got Comey's letter.

And our roundtable weighs in with all the political fallout.

Just nine days to go.


STEPHANOPOULOS: You saw her latest poll showing a 1-point race.

So what does history tell us about what that means for the final result?

We look back at the last two races with no one coming on the ballot and back in 2008, Barack Obama had a 7-point lead over John McCain with nine days to go. He went on to win by 7 points.

In 2000, Bush and Gore were tied nine days out and that's basically how it ended, a tie broken by the Supreme Court.

So could that happen again?

Our roundtable standing by to analyze all the fallout from Friday's bombshell.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Would you reopen the Clinton investigation if you discovered new information?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's hard for me to answer in the abstract. We would certainly look at any new and substantial information.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: In general, if you discovered new information that was substantial and relevant, you would reopen an investigation, would you not?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I don't think we can answer that in the abstract. What we can say is that any investigation that people have new and substantial information, we'd like to see it so we can make an evaluation.



STEPHANOPOULOS: We know Comey's looking into new information.

Now the question is, is it substantial?

We're going to talk about this more with two members of Congress, who have gotten that letter from Mr. Comey, the Republican chair of the House Judiciary Committee, Robert Goodlatte, and the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, Adam Schiff.

Thank you both for joining us.

And, Mr. Chairman, let me begin with you. I understand you were briefed by Mr. Comey yesterday.

What can you tell us about what he said?

REP. ROBERT GOODLATTE (R), CHAIR, HOUSE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE: Yes. John Conyers, the ranking member of the Judiciary Committee, and I both had the opportunity to speak to Director Comey yesterday.

We both encouraged him to make sure that the American people have as much information as possible before they have to make a decision on November 8th, based upon this stunning new development, that the bureau is examining new evidence in this case, that they said they had completed several months ago. So that's very important.

But we also asked him -- I asked him -- if he could do that, based upon the fact that much of this is classified material and based upon the fact that he cannot in any way jeopardize the investigation.

He did not give us any response in terms of what more he could say. But he certainly took that under advisement.

I also asked him what the status was of the referral that I made, along with Chairman Jason Chaffetz of the Oversight Committee, of potential impeachment -- I’m sorry -- potential perjury charges to be brought with regard to Ms. Clinton and he deferred to the Justice Department itself. He did not answer that question as well.


GOODLATTE: But what people talk about protocol, we haven't heard from the Justice Department about that in 3.5 months since that letter was sent.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Let me -- I want to get Congressman Schiff. But let me follow up with one thing there. You said -- you mentioned classified information.

How do you or Mr. Comey know that there's classified information involved here if you haven't seen the e-mails?

GOODLATTE: Well, we don't know. And we don't know what the basis was for Mr. Comey making the decision to further pursue the case. We don't know whether it's informant. We don't know whether they've had access to looking at some of this information. We don't know what the basis was.

We do know they know something is there. And as you saw in the lead-up clip you had, the -- he said he would reopen it if there was substantial new investigation --


STEPHANOPOULOS: Congressman Schiff --

GOODLATTE: -- materials. And so that's what I think we're looking at here.

STEPHANOPOULOS: -- several Democratic senators have called on Mr. Comey to give Congress more information by tomorrow.

What more do you want to see?

REP. ADAM SCHIFF (D), RANKING MEMBER: Well, it's very hard to say, George. And at the outset, I think this was a terrible error in judgment by the director to release this kind of ambiguous letter. These may be pertinent. They may be significant. They may not be significant. They may not be pertinent.

That kind of an ambiguity bomb this close to election was a terrible lapse in judgment. The DOJ policies against making a statement about a pending or closed case -- and certainly not doing it in the days leading up to an investigation -- is there for a reason. It's designed to ensure fairness.

It's also designed to ensure that the FBI is not put in a position of appearing to put its hand on the political scales. And this may or may not have been in the director's interest. But it clearly wasn't in the public interest.

What is the public to make of this letter?

And how is the secretary to defend against this kind of innuendo?

So I think it was a terrible mistake. I do think the director ought to do his best to clean it up.


SCHIFF: But as far -- well, that's the thing, it's hard to see how he can. These are e-mails he hasn't even seen. We don't know when he'll have the opportunity to see them. But I would think if the director can't clean this up, if there isn't sufficient information that he can give, I think he needs to leave the American people and acknowledge he's made a serious mistake and there's nothing he has seen that should alter the core conclusion he reached earlier, that there's no reasonable prosecutor that moved forward here.

Because the reality is, in the absence of knowing what the e-mails say and the absence of knowing whether they're significant, he shouldn't be casting doubt or innuendo in this kind of way that's -- doesn't put the secretary in a position where she can even defend against this kind of ambiguity --

STEPHANOPOULOS: Chairman Goodlatte, did Mr. Comey tell you he would be coming forward with more information?

GOODLATTE: He did not. His answer was, with regard to a number of questions I asked him, that he was not going to answer those questions at this time, meaning during the conversation I had with him and Mr. Conyers.

But let me just say, with regard to Mr. Comey making a mistake, I think that he is very conscious of the controversy that has existed in the FBI and in the Justice Department.

I've talked to FBI agents, former FBI agents, prosecutors, former prosecutors, who have scratched their heads and been very concerned about how the investigation was conducted and the conclusion that was reached 3.5 months ago to not indict.

And wasn't it very wrong for the attorney general to get onboard a plane in Arizona with Ms. Clinton's husband, the former president?

He is -- the director is the head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, not prosecution.

Why was he stepping forward to announce that decision in the first place, rather than somebody in the Department of Justice, who handles prosecutions and make those decisions?

Why was five of her aides given immunity from prosecution?

Why was a part of the immunity agreement to destroy laptops that contained this information after they looked at it? Why were those people allowed into the room with Mrs. Clinton when she was interviewed by the FBI? There are many, many questions. And I think the director is very conscious of this and he feels I think in a very difficult situation, but one which he thinks that given the fact that Mrs. Clinton has been traveling around the country for three and a half months saying that the FBI has cleared her of wrongdoing, that when there is new, and I believe, substantial information available why wouldn't he tell the American people that this is still under investigation?

STEPHANOPOULOS: He did make that conclusion. Congressman Schiff, you get the last word.

SCHIFF: Well, the fact of it is that in July the director said no reasonable prosecutor would move forward and there's nothing that we have been shown, nothing the director has said to alter that conclusion. And the fact that the director now says that there may be additional emails that could besignificant or not doesn't change that fundamental conclusion and I think to inject this kind of uncertainty this late was a terrible lapse in judgment.

If the director can't clean up this mess, and I hope he will try, I think he ought to acknowledge that he made a serious mistake, and underscore once again that there's nothing that alters that core conclusion he reached in July.

But there was really no excuse for dropping this kind of ambiguity into the race. Those DOJ policies are sound and they exist for a reason. And while I can understand, George, why under extraordinary circumstances closing out the case in July he felt he needed to explain the reason why, the steps he has taken thereafter in providing interviews and drips and drabs to congress and this latest missive, and the leaks that are now coming from the department, I think, don't reflect well on the director or the bureau and I think are a serious mistake.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Gentlemen, thank you both very much.

We have heard from congress and the candidates and now from the powerhouse round table next.


STEPHANOPOULOS: Nine days to the final votes. Our round table weighs in next.


STEPHANOPOULOS: Back now with our round table. Joined by Jonathan Karl of ABC News, Democratic mayor of Baltimore Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, the chair of the American conservative union Matt Schlap, Washington Post columnist E.J. Dionne and Republican strategist Ana Navarro.

And I can't wait to see, John, what happens next Friday. It seems like every Friday this month you get this huge bombshell. How significant is this FBI decision? How does it play out over the next several days?

JONATHAN KARL, ABC NEWS: Well, it's hugely significant in that it gives trump some momentum. Republicans were becoming demoralized. This gives them something to rally around, a sign of hope. In terms of, is it going to change people's minds? Probably not many. I mean, he has said that if he shot somebody on 5th Avenue there are people that would still vote for him. If she was actually locked up, there are still people that would vote for Hillary Clinton against Donald Trump.

The real question is what does Comey do? In the next couple of days, does he come out and say is this really serious or was he just doing due diligence.

STEPHANOPOULOS: And he is under now tremendous pressure to come forward with something, especially given the fact he made this decision without seeing the emails.

ANA NAVARRO, REPUBLICAN STRATEGIST: He should be under tremendous pressure. I've got to tell you, as an American voter I feel short-changed. I want to make an informed vote. And right now we have no information.

I think this thing is going to go through cycles. Because when we first heard about it, it was jaw-dropping. Then we're realizing the FBI director doesn't know hutch. The reason he can't tell us much is because he doesn't know much. You all realize, we know more about Anthony Wiener's sexts than we do about these emails that are shaking the election? And the only thing Anthony Wiener can run for is president of the national pervert association.

MATT SCHLAPP, CHAIR, AMERICAN CONSERVATIVE UNION: Let's be clear, she told the investigators that she had turned over all devices on which she had done State Department business.

NAVARRO: You mean Huma?

SCHLAPP: It appears that Huma did not turn over all those devices.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Well, according to The Washington Post and our sources this morning she is saying this was not her computer, it was her husband's computer.

SCHLAPP: Right, but -- I understand that. But what DOJ obviously believes is that we don't know what Anthony Wiener has told them, that there are emails on this computer that she did have and that she did use this computer.

So, right there we have a question about did she fully comply.

And the second question...

STEPHANOPOULOS: I just want to stop you there, because I want to be factual here. All we know is that the emails were on the computer and this is the FBI not the DOJ. The DOJ said that they shouldn't come forward.

SCHLAPP: But let me be clear any device that she may have used in her professional capacity she was to turn over so that they could do the forensic tests. And that's what they're now doing.

She should have turned this over a long time ago.

And as far as we don't know what's in these emails, this is the frustration, Ana, because we have been asking for all of this information for over a year. And you can see why voters are frustrated, because this looks like more stonewalling and I think Comey is in a difficult position.

STEPHANOPOULOS: And, mayor, this seemed to hit the Clinton campaign, take them completely by surprise, as well. Our calls all Friday afternoon, they had no idea what was going on.

STEPHANIE RAWLINGS-BLAKE, MAYOR OF BALTIMORE, MARYLAND: I've talked to our chair, Donna Brazile, and she said she felt like she was hit by a Mack truck understandably.

I think Director Comey owes the American public more. This is crazy that you would come with this type of letter to congressional members and to your staff and not have anything to back it up. We have one person saying, well it's clear that the FBI believes this, or it's clear that. Nothing is clear.

The only thing that's clear is that he's under pressure and he got shook. He acted under pressure that is really Trump-esque recklessness to do something like this nine days out, or 11 days out and not have anything to back it up.

STEPHANOPOULOS: And E.J. Dionne, some of his critics say that this pressure was self-created by the decision that Comey made back in July to not just put out a statement saying the investigation was closed, but to go out and give that press conference.

E.J. DIONNE, WASHINGTON POST: No, that's exactly right.

From the beginning he has shown that he is responsive to a, pressure from the Republican congress. By the way, we saw in your earlier segment where the Republicans wanted to go and Congressman Goodlatte accidentally said potential impeachment and then quickly set himself up.

This is a Republican congress that wants to get Hillary Clinton no matter what.

And so he says there's not anything here that allows me to indict her but I'm going to go out there and say she's extremely careless. Then he turns over this raw data to congress from the investigation. That was very unusual.

And what it looks like is he feels under pressure from Republicans on The Hill and from some of the reporting from conservative FBI agents who were mad at him for not bringing the case against her. And that's a really troubling thing.

NAVARRO: I want to congratulate Director Comey because he is the only government official who has managed to unite all Americans. He was getting trashed by fierceless by three months by Republicans and now he's getting trashed fiercely by Democrats.


KARL: ...he doesn't come out and acknowledge there's this new information and he waits until after the election, well, how did you sit on this? I think the Clinton campaign is making a mistake by attacking James Comey. In fact, if you look at what happened in the very beginning, they said that the letter only went to Republicans in congress. Well it was CC'd to ranking Democrats as well.

He's trying to play it straight. He's in a tough situation.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Mistakes for Clinton.

RAWLINGS-BLAKE: He's in a tough situaino. He shouldn't have taken the job. If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.

DIONNE: Also, he didn't give out information. That's the problem.

SCHLAPP: George, can I bring up one other things, Jonathan started this conversation talking about your poll. It's important for people to understand that this race was tightening well before what we found out on Friday. In a matter of fact, your tracking in this poll ended on Friday.

So, this poll does not reflect...

STEPHANOPOULOS: No, it does reflect Friday night.

SCHLAPP: Yeah, but that's only one day of a four day roll. So, my point is this, this race was tightening before this FBI leak and so the fact is that this is going to have an impact on what people think.

I think there are people, if you look across the board, about 5 percent of voters are undecided, about 4 percent to 5 percent seem to be with Trump at times when things are going well and they back away from Trump when they don't like what they hear.

This is going to have a big impact.

STEPHANOPOULOS: It is true whoever is in the news seems to do worse in the poll. There seems to be the usual volatility right now.

DIONNE: Can I just say something, I think what's fascinating about this episode is it may actually increase turnout on both sides, because you obviously have the Trump people saying, aha, maybe there's a chance.

But by day two after Comey came out, the raw anger you heard on the Democratic side, that's why Clinton went out there. She knows that a lot of Democrats are furious at Comey for issuing the statement that told us nothing except raised a lot of fears and what is going on here and Democrats are mad.

So, I think you can have a much heavier turnout on both sides.

STEPHANOPOULOS: And then, John, when this comes out. You've already had probably a lot of the most important states -- Florida, North Carolina, Nevada, maybe up to 20 percent and maybe even more of the vote is already banked, so even though our national poll does seem to be tightening -- we'll see what happens with that in coming days, the electoral map still stacked against Donald Trump.

KARL: It absolutely is. You have 20 million people that have already voted and there's new polls out today that shows Hillary Clinton up outside the margin of error in North Carolina. Florida is essentially tied. But he needs to win all these states. He needs to win Nevada where he's been down. He needs to win New Hampshire where he's been down. He needs to win Florida, Ohio, North Carolina. It is a very perilous map for Trump.

SCHLAPP: Can I just say that the state polls lag the national polls. And if the national polls don't take into effect Friday's FBI announcement yet, and they are tightening, that means these state polls are going to tighten.

And if you look at the earlier vote that you referenced, in the state of Florida alone, we're doing 100,000 votes better than we did four years ago. Democrats tend to win on these early votes, so you'll see people saying, oh, Democrats are doing better. But we have cut into that advantage substantially.

So, even on the early vote, the story is better for Trump than maybe is well known.

STEPHANOPOULOS: I don't want to give everybody a heart attack, but you look at some of these numbers coming out right now, the variance between the national polls and the state polls. And Ana Navarro, do we end up in the kind of situation, is it conceivable, that we're back in 2000 when one candidate wins the national vote and one wins the electoral college?

NAVARRO: I can't do this without alcohol. I mean, you know, as a Floridian, the only thing I'm begging the people of Florida is please, please, please let us get this right. We can't have...

STPHANOPOULOS: Make it another state?

NAVARRO: Look, I think that at the end of the day, this has not changed the loyalists, the staunch supporters on either side one iota.

The question is what is it going to do to that very small percentage of people who have yet to make a decision. And it is -- you know, does it disgust them to the point where they don't participate? They are faced with a choice between a bad person or a person with bad judgment. It is a very bad choice for the American people.

RAWLINGS-BLAKE: I think we heard the first lady talking about the challenge of complacency. And I think Director Comey did one thing for the Democrats was to make sure that we got to the polls. And I thank him for that, at least, because there's going to be no complacency. People are going to get to the polls. We're not going to allow this election to be taken away from us by what I think is really an amateur move by the FBI director.

STEPHANOPOULOS: And Jon Karl, this also makes it almost certain that whoever wins nine days from now it's going to be a much harder job for what was already going to be an almost impossible job unifying this country.

KARL: Oh, absolutely. And if you look -- if Hillary Clinton, if the trends staid she wins, almost certainly you're going to have an almost even senate. You're going to have Republicans losing ground in the House, so an incredibly closely divided congress, and the country is divided...

STEPHANOPOULOS: This has given Republicans more hope for their down ballot races.

DIONNE: Right, no, I think that could be the biggest effect. They had been losing ground in the senate races, and while it's a real long shot for Democrats to win the House, there was real talk of 18 to 20 seats, at least somewhere around there, and so this could hurt that unless this Democratic turnout out kind of sets that in some places.

But you know, you talk, George, correctly about every Friday something new comes out. We don't know whether there will be another turn. We don't know...


NAVARRO: The good news is there's only one day left in October. We can only...


STEPHANOPOULOS: That is going to have to be the last word. Thank you all very much. We'll be right back.


STEPHANOPOULOS: Hope you'll join us on election night. I'll be here with our whole political team starting right when the first polls close at 7:00 p.m.

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That's all for us today. Thanks for sharing part of your Sunday with us.

Check out World News Tonight and I'll see you tomorrow on GMA.


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