What Parents Need to Know About Cyberbullying

ByABC News
September 12, 2006, 2:17 PM

Sept. 12, 2006 — -- Parents often have no idea that their kids are the victims of cyberbullying, or that their own kid could be a bully, especially if they are not as technologically savvy as their teens.

What are some common cyberbullying tactics parents should know about?

In the "Primetime" experiment, for example, "She is loud" became "She is a loud pig," then was cut, pasted and sent to the person the kids were talking about.

In another example, an innocent photograph of three girls was redrawn with a beer mug in one girl's hand, a joint in another girl's mouth, and cocaine under a third girl's nose, saying she sold sex in exchange for drugs.

Cyberbullying Statistics From I-Safe.org

Data based on 2004 i-SAFE survey of 1,500 students in grades 4 to 8.

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