Davis Hired as Indiana's Interim Coach

ByABC News
September 12, 2000, 11:50 AM

B L O O M I N G T O N, Ind., Sept. 12 -- Indiana headed off a possible player revolt over Bob Knights dismissal by hiring assistant Mike Davis as interim basketball coach, a source told The Associated Press.

Davis was expected to be introduced as the new coach at anafternoon news conference, said the high-ranking university source,who spoke on condition of anonymity.

I got the job, Davis told ESPN.com.

The word that the university had chosen Davis came two daysafter Indiana fired Bob Knight for misconduct and a day afterplayers issued an ultimatum to athletic director Clarence Doningerthat Davis or John Treloar, another Knight assistant, be hired asinterim coach or members of the team would defect en masse.

The university source told The Associated Press that Treloaralso will remain with the program. The source said he did not knowthe status of Pat Knight, the son of the Hall of Fame coach andalso an assistant.

The university source said the hiring of Davis was expected tohave a very positive impact on the storied basketball program,which had appeared in disarray.

Several players had threatened to leave the program. Juniorguard Dane Fife said Monday he had decided to transfer, but theuniversity source said Fifes departure was not yet certain.

Highly recruited freshman swingman A.J. Moye of Atlanta, Ga.,also had indicated Monday he likely would leave Bloomington.

Team Will Play for Davis

Athletic director Clarence Doninger had said Monday he had askedDavis and Treloar to remain. He also said he had received callsfrom a number of people interested in the interim post. Hewould not identify any of the others.

Despite Knights rigid discipline, uncompromising demand forperfection and infamous temper which got him fired Sunday hewas the main reason players have come to Indiana to play basketballover the past 29 years.

Doninger understood why the players were upset.

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