CES 2015: Robots Take Over Las Vegas

Some of the most incredible robots featured at the 2015 International CES.

ByABC News
January 8, 2015, 12:19 PM

— -- What happens when a bunch of robots go to Las Vegas?

It's not the plot of a science fiction movie but is instead a reality this week at the 2015 International Consumer Electronics Show, where some of the most innovative artificially intelligent machines are stealing the show.

Robots may not rule the world yet, but they can dominate in a game of beer pong, as evidenced by a group seen at Empire Robotics' booth.

A robot tosses a pingpong ball in a round of beer pong at CES 2015.

Intel showed its spider dress, which has a built-in self-defense system. The dress was designed by Anouk Wipprecht and uses Intel's Edison chip.

When someone gets too close to the wearer's personal space, sensors in the dress alert its spider-like limbs to expand, putting space between the wearer and perceived threat.

The Bocco Kids' Robot sits on a table at CES 2015 on Jan. 6, 2015.

Designed by a Japanese company, Bocco is a friendly robot that aims to bring families closer together.

Bocco lets users send a voice message to loved ones at home, which will be delivered by the robot. They can then talk back and the robot will send a voice message reply.

Another feature: Attach a sensor and it can notify someone outside the home when a loved one is home, perfect for working parents whose children go home alone after school.

Grill-cleaning robots were just one type of robot to be displayed at CES 2015.

While having the perfect barbecue may be some peoples' idea of heaven, the resulting cleanup process is not. That's where the Grillbot steps in to help.

The robotic cleaners spring into action with the push of a button, using high-powered motors and wire brushes to clean up grill residue in a matter of minutes.

ABC News' Neal Karlinsky talks to a woman who telecommutes out of state via this remote-controlled robot on wheels at CES 2015 on Jan. 7, 2015.

While some people may enjoy working in another office or even state than their boss, the BeamPro robot allows anyone to be virtually present in an office.

Made by Suitable Tech, the robot lets users "interact with remote locations by coupling high-end video and audio with the freedom of motion to move about a space."

The result: A more collaborative work experience and the joy of knowing that your boss is watching you, even from across the country.

ABC News' Neal Karlinsky and Brandon Chase contributed to this report.