The Baseball Team So Bad It's Putting Robots in Empty Seats

Upside is that fans no longer have to leave home to cheer for their team.

ByABC News
July 28, 2014, 11:46 AM

— -- You know it's bad when robotic fan proxies are brought in to liven up the atmosphere.

The long suffering Hanwha Eagles baseball team has turned to a crew of robo-fans to help boost spirits at the South Korean team's games.

In the past five years, the team has lost more than 400 times and has consistently ranked last in their league.

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Korea's Hanwha Eagles have robotic fans.

Solution: Bring in the robots.

Hanwha supporters who just can't be bothered to come to the stadium can project their face onto a robot from the comfort of their own homes and can even control some of the machine's movements.

They can also hold up digital signs and coordinate group cheers.

"The signs out there out in the outfield, it’s a pretty neat idea. It gets the crowd into it and really helps them get involved," pitcher Andrew Albers said in a video showing off the robots.

Korea's Hanwha Eagles have robotic fans.

While the team may be struggling, the intersection of fans and technology is a boon for the Eagles' most loyal human supporters.

Imagine this: No more dealing with belligerent spectators, shorter queues at the concession stands and prime parking spots.

Perhaps every team could use a few robot fans.

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