Extinct Tasmanian Tiger Could Be Cloned

ByABC News
August 22, 2000, 9:33 AM

B R I G H T O N, Tasmania, Aug. 22 -- A sign by the small enclosurenear the Bonorong Park Wildlife Center entrance says Tasmaniantiger but the fabled carnivore is nowhere to be seen.

The last known Tasmanian tiger, or thylacine, died incaptivity in 1936, but a team of Australian biologists believesthe animals extinction may simply be a 70-year hiccup. DNA froma Tasmanian tiger has been found and cloning is underway.

Hope for the rebirth of the tiger not a cat at all but astriped marsupial wolf lies in the murky depths of a museumspecimen jar, where a six-month-old thylacine pup has satpreserved in alcohol since 1866.

Australian Museum director Mike Archer said he knew 15 yearsago the specimen held the key to the return of the tiger, but itwas not until Dolly the sheep was cloned in Scotland in 1997that technology caught up with his dream.

It became a matter of not if, but when, Archer said.

Incubation in a Relative

In April, small samples of heart, liver, muscle and bonemarrow tissue were extracted from the preserved pup, and a smallteam of evolutionary biologists in Sydney began working tounravel the tigers genetic code.

Once DNA damage is assessed and repaired, the tigersgenetic blueprint will be inserted into the egg of a closerelative, probably the Tasmanian devil or the numbat, anothermarsupial, for incubation.

While there have been similar extinct-animal cloningprojects elsewhere in the world, the Australia Museums projectis the first to find good quality DNA from an extinct specimen.

But there is much work to be done and Archer said it couldtake another 10 to 15 years to clone the tiger.

Experts disagree on the projects chance of success withodds ranging from close to zero to 50-50.

Settlers Bitter Enemy

Most of what is known about thylacines is from myths andmuseum exhibits, which sprung up around the world in the 1930sas the tiger headed toward extinction and zoologists clamoredfor specimens. There is a skeleton in Heidelberg, Germany, and amounted stuffed tiger in Zurich, Switzerland.

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