Scientists to Sedate Whale, Again

ByABC News
July 2, 2001, 9:24 AM

B O S T O N, July 2 -- Rescuers plan to increase the dose of sedativesand try again to cut an entangled and imbedded fishing line from awhale off Cape Cod this week.

The rescue is being organized by the Provincetown-based Centerfor Coastal Studies, and will be held as soon as the weatherallows, said National Marine Fisheries Service spokeswoman TeriFrady.

The first priority now will be to relocate the whale, which wasmarked last week with a buoy. That buoy has remained on the surfaceof the water ever since, which could mean it has either fallen off,or that the whale is remaining in one area to feed, she said.

Rescuers now plan to try to spot the whale by plane Tuesdaymorning, she said.

Stronger Sedative Next Time

Team leader David Mattila said the rescuers plan to administer amuch stronger sedative dose to the whale in their next rescueattempt. Last week the team twice administered a strong sedativebut the whale did not respond.

Sedation is considered necessary to allow the team to safely getclose enough to the animal's head to cut the line that is twistedaround its upper jaw. Scientists say the entanglement has caused aserious infection that could eventually kill the whale.

"The vets feel we should try again. We started with veryconservative doses," Mattila told the Boston Herald. "Now that weknow it didn't react to a low dose, we can give it the kind of dosethat has been given to an orca in captivity."

The decision to try again was made late Friday.

The northern right whale, known as 1102, is one of only about 300right whales. Entanglement and ship strikes are considered a majorcause of mortality for right whales and a significant danger to thefuture of the species.

Thirty baby right whales were born this spring in the calvinggrounds off Florida and Georgia. The 10 percent population growthis a dramatic increase over the 1990s, when an average of fewerthan half a dozen were born each year.

Whale Population Is Steady