Remote Island Hotel Breathes New Life Into Old Fort
The name certainly isn’t welcoming.

— -- The name -– No Man’s Fort -– certainly isn’t welcoming.
But the just-opened hotel on a man-made island in the middle of the Solent is taking guest reservations.

Located on the straight that separates the Isle of Wight from mainland England, the hotel is accessible by boat via Portsmouth. It was built in 1867 to protect Portsmouth, according to its owners.

It’s the second in a series of three fort openings planned by AmaZing Venues. With 23 rooms, the hotel can accommodate not only overnight guests, but day visitors and events.

An overnight stay costs about $690 and includes breakfast. No Man’s Fort includes two helicopter pads, a nightclub, laser tag, games rooms, snooker room, meeting space, rooftop hot-pool, glass- floored lighthouse, gallery restaurant, wine bar and spa facilities.