Economy Class: Making Decisions

ByABC News
August 28, 2000, 3:46 PM

— -- In an election year (in any year) the choices you consider before you make travel purchase decisions can set the stage for great getaways or doom you to ho-hum trips. You cant make the right choices unless you know about the options.

Gambling in London or Las Vegas

In America, we like to recreate everything. The latest is London. Not content with buying their bridge, we have replicated its gaming aspects (more or less) in where else? Las Vegas.

The London Club at the just-opened Aladdin is North Americas first European-style gaming salon. The owners talked the Nevada Gaming Control Board to approve the issuance of the ultimate poker chip a $10 million plaque, the largest denomination gaming token ever issued in Nevada and, its believed, in the world. If you think thats excessive, consider that France (with a 10 million French franc chip) has had at least one gambler sitting with eight of the chips stacked in front of him.

Dont worry, the usual stakes are standard Las Vegas even though the new gaming locale also offers plaques of $5 million, $1 million, $500,000 and $100,000. Nothing succeeds like excess or so the Aladdin hopes.

To Go to Sydney or Stay Home

The Sydney Olympics may be too far away to make North Americans jump through the five rings it takes to get there. Bargain hunters may want to consider making the effort. As the event nears, some prices dare falling. Tickets for many of the prime events are still offered. You can check availability (and find airfare and accommodation updates) at the Sydney Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games Web site.

Accommodations are available through sources including the countrys official Olympics travel source, Traveland. The best rooms are almost completely gone, but you wont need a five-star room to enjoy your stay. Look outside of the city center and you can still find nice rooms with breakfast for $100-150 per night.