Tips for Finding the Best Vacation Deals

What benchmarks to use when evaluating a deal.

ByABC News
March 25, 2010, 11:35 AM

Aug. 9, 2010— -- When people find out I write for a travel publication, I inevitably get asked about good deals for upcoming vacations. My standard reply is that it all depends on what you like to do, and the conversation goes from there. I rarely advocate just going with rock-bottom prices, and instead suggest that travelers do a bit of investigation (both personal and trip-oriented) before planning a vacation. Essentially, a good deal or a great value can only be determined by youbut there are universal benchmarks to go by.

As you're starting your trip research, always consider the following:

  • How active of a vacation do you want to have? Are you the type who wants to plop on a beach, enjoy a variety of different activities, or some blend of the two?
  • Consider your traveling companions. What are their interests, preferences, and energy levels? Do their vacation expectations match up with yours?
  • How much do you want to spend? In what areas do you want to splurge, and which components are you willing to cut back on?
  • Will you be spending most of your time outdoors? How important is it to you to have ideal weather?
  • How long do you want to be away? Are you able to tailor your budget and interests to fit your time requirement?

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Once you have answers to these questions, you should have a good idea of what type of vacation you're planning, from which accommodations type is right for you to how light or active your itinerary should be. Let your answers inform how you plan the rest of your trip, particularly in determining the best value for each travel component.

Airfare is the most rigid travel area, as far as measuring value goes. You'll be subject to factors beyond your control, such as seasonality, supply and demand, and airline fees; but there are a few areas you can tweak to get the best value for your travel dollars.

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