Cute Baby Deer Loves Being Tickled
Baby deer getting its belly rubbed will have you feeling warm and fuzzy.

— -- A frightened fawn, separated from its mother, needed comforting so bad it couldn't get enough, even coming from a total stranger.
Justin Lewis, of Louisa, Ky., found the baby deer stuck in thick forest brush while clearing a path for electric lines. The fawn looked visibly shaken, so Lewis rubbed his belly to calm him down, Lewis explained on his Facebook page.
But when he tried to let the cute animal go, the baby deer was just not having it.
Every time Lewis put the deer back down, it yelped for Lewis to continue.
The baby deer was soon reunited with its mother.
"He followed us around the job site like a lost puppy for about an hour until I noticed a doe watching us from the hillside..." Lewis wrote on YouTube. "I sat him down, he ran straight to her, and they walked off together."