Dad Writes School Note Excusing Daughters' Tardiness Because of a Bruce Springsteen Concert

The father of two New York girls wrote a note to the school.

ByABC News
February 9, 2016, 12:41 PM

— -- In a major Dad-move win, Patrick Pipino of Saratoga Springs, New York, penned an honest note excusing his daughters' school tardiness because the family attended a Bruce Springsteen concert on Monday night.

"This may not seem like a good excuse, but have you ever wondered how many kids would be late -- or miss school outright -- if God were to suddenly appear?" states the note, which Pipino posted on his Facebook page.

The father of Isabelle, 12, and Sarah, 7, excused them for being late to class because they attended a Bruce Springsteen concert the previous night.
Patrick Pipino

Pipino told ABC News that his two daughters, Isabelle, 12, and Sarah, 7, are both huge Springsteen fans.

"They both love Bruce Springsteen, and have ever since the older one was only 4 years old. Isabelle would be singing from the back seat and if I had something else on, she would say, 'Dad, can we listen to Springsteen?' Sometimes she would even say, 'Can we listen to old Springsteen?'"

Isabelle's favorite song is "Lonesome Day," according to her father, though it used to be "Thundercrack." Sarah's favorite is "American Land"

"My wife is a schoolteacher in the district." Pipino said, expressing concern that he would get in a bit of trouble with his wife for his antics. "She was mortified by not knowing what her betrothed did."