Phil Campbells Come Together to Rebuild Phil Campbell, Ala.
A town nearly destroyed by tornadoes gets help from people who share its name.
June 17, 2011 -- In its time of need, the town of Phil Campbell, Ala., is receiving help from people from around the globe who share its name.
The small town, made up of 300 families, was named after a British railroad engineer who gave the town its start in the 1880s. Most years, Phil Campbells come from around the world to meet in Alabama in June, but with half of the families there left homeless from devastating tornadoes, and 26 people killed, it just didn't feel like time for a party.
Watch 'World News With Diane Sawyer' for more on this story tonight on ABC
This year the Phils have come from such places as Nottingham, U.K., Round Rock, Texas, and La Farge, Wis. to clean up and rebuild churches, homes and schools.
Phil Campbells Help Forgotten Town
Nine-year-old Alliyah Baker and her mother, Selena, lost everything. She said it felt as if the world forgot, until the Phils came to town.
"They've helped us," said her mother. "They've helped a lot. More than they'll probably ever know."
One Phil Campbell, from Brooklyn, N.Y., hopes to raise $70,000 in donations from the city.
The Phils have brought the residents of this town hope.
"I get tears in my eyes just thinking about it," said Kevin Lacey, one worker in the town. "Most of thems not even close to being from around here."
Neighbors with tears in their eyes because someone from so far away cared so much.