Key West Relaxing Place for Peace Talks

ByABC News
April 4, 2001, 2:59 PM

K E Y   W E S T, Fla., April 4 -- Strolling down Key West's funky main dragin a polo shirt and shades, President Geidar Aliev of Azerbaijancould have been just another snowbird if not for the entourage ofsharply dressed aides and sharp-eyed bodyguards.

"That's more people in suits than I've seen all week," saidKevin Flanagan, a labor relations consultant from Medina, Ohio, whowatched Aliev from a patio bar and wondered who he was.

Aliev, 78, was taking in some local color after a day of peacetalks seeking an end to his country's 13-year conflict withneighboring Armenia over the disputed enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh.

The talks, which involve Secretary of State Colin Powell, Aliev, Armenian President Robert Kocharian and negotiatorsfrom the United States, Russia and France, opened on Tuesday.

The talks seemed a bit out of place on this low-key islandresort. In Key West, a diverse and tolerant community where beachbums and bizarre characters seem like part of the mainstream, avisit from the presidents of two small faraway nations had adecidedly unfamiliar flavor.

"I've heard of Armenia, obviously," said Kathy Eddins, 53, aninterior designer. "The other country, I have to honestly say:never heard of it, can't pronounce it."

Bud Turnbull gave it a try.

"Azerbarootie I can't remember the name of that place inRussia," said Turnbull, 73, of Jupiter, Fla. He was a little off:Azerbaijan and Armenia are former Soviet republics that have beenindependent since 1991.

Not Much Focus on News

The war over Nagorno-Karabakh, a mostly ethnic Armenian enclavethat moved to secede from Azerbaijan in 1988, killed thousands ofpeople and drove a million from their homes. Seven years after acease-fire, Armenia and Azerbaijan have not made peace and about200 people die every year as a result of the conflict.

Flanagan said he was surprised he had not seen anything aboutthe peace talks on television. Then again, he hadn't heard who wonthe Cleveland Indians' opener an issue closer to his heart.

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