5 Things You May Have Missed This Weekend

From Ukrainian elections to Mo'ne Davis throwing opening World Series pitch.

ByABC News
October 26, 2014, 7:37 PM

— -- The ongoing Ebola situation and a shooting at a high school in Washington State dominated the headlines this weekend. Here are five more things that made the news.

1. Jeb Bush 'More Than Likely' to Consider 2016 Run, Son Says

Will another member of the Bush family dynasty make a run for the White House? In an interview in College Station, Texas, this week, George P. Bush told ABC News' Jonathan Karl he thinks his father, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, will "more than likely" run for president in 2016.

"I think it's actually, I think it's more than likely that he's giving this a serious thought in moving forward," George P. Bush told Karl aboard his campaign bus in College Station, Texas.

"More than likely that he'll run?" Karl asked.

"That he'll run," Bush said. "If you had asked me a few years back, I would've said it was less likely."

Bush said his family will support his father "a hundred percent" should he decide to launch a bid for the White House.

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2. Eric Frein Searchers Testing Blood Found on Canadensis Family's Farm

Police testing blood found near chicken coop to see if it belongs to Eric Frein.

Authorities Still on the Trail of Alleged Pennsylvania Cop Killer

Police testing blood found near chicken coop to see if it belongs to Eric Frein.

Authorities searching for alleged Pennsylvania trooper killer Eric Frein have descended upon a spot where a woman found blood in her back yard.

Joyce Aleckna called police after finding the blood Saturday near the chicken coop on her small farm in Canadensis, Pa. None of the animals in the coop were injured, she said.

Aleckna, a retired corrections officer, told ABC News she thought the discovery odd because it was the first time no one had been home since Frein disappeared. She told ABC News affiliate WNEP-TV that authorities took a sample of the blood for testing.

Police have been searching for Frein for six weeks, since he allegedly opened fire at the Blooming Grove police barracks on Sept. 12, killing one state trooper and injuring another, before escaping into the woods.

Frein, a self-trained survivalist, has been spotted several times, but has evaded police capture.

"At night, we lock everything," Aleckna told ABC News a few weeks ago. "Everything is locked tight."

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3. Pro-Western Parties, Not Darth Vader, Set to Win Ukrainian Elections

PHOTO: Darth Vader, previously known as Viktor Shevchenko, the leader of the Ukrainian Internet Party, holds up his Ukrainian passport and a certificate of candidacy for the parliamentary election at a polling station in Kiev, Ukraine, Oct. 26, 2014.
Darth Vader, previously known as Viktor Shevchenko, the leader of the Ukrainian Internet Party, holds up his Ukrainian passport and a certificate of candidacy for the parliamentary election at a polling station during parliamentary elections in Kiev, Ukraine, Oct. 26, 2014.

Ukrainians went to the polls Sunday to elect a new parliament that was expected to be dominated by pro-Western parties, but not everyone was able to vote.

Pulling up to the polling station atop a black van, blasting the "Imperial March" theme from the "Star Wars" movies, a former electrician who now goes by "Darth Vader" was turned away from a polling station for refusing to take off his helmet so that his identity could be verified against his passport photo.

"The fact that I did not vote doesn't mean that my empire will not win." declared the parliamentary candidate of the Internet Party of Ukraine.

His campaign promise was to bring more transparency to the Ukrainian legislature, vowing to replace deputies by computers.

Vader couldn't comply with the polling station's request because he "would die if he took his helmet off" Vladislav Savchuk, one of Vader's campaign managers, told ABC News.

In April, Vader was barred from standing in the country's presidential elections saying his application was questionable.

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4. Mo'ne Davis Throws Out 1st Pitch at World Series

Cameras flashed, the crowd rose for a thunderous ovation and Mo'ne Davis did exactly what she was expected to do -- fire a strike right down the middle.

From Little League phenom to the star of her own commercial to World Series celebrity, the 13-year-old Davis has been on quite a ride these past few months.