Get Your Child the Pre-School Boost

Find out what pre-school support options are available in your state.

ByABC News
May 11, 2008, 7:19 PM

May 11, 2008— -- This year is the 25th anniversary of "America at Risk," the report on the state of education that shocked the country. But a new report shows there has been little progress.

Educators say one solution to closing the achievement gap encovered by the reports is preschool. According to many educators, the most important time in children's lives to get them on track for success in school is when they're 4 years old.

But only four states offer free pre-school to any family that wants to enroll their children.

In one of those states -- Oklahoma -- children who attended pre-school scored 52 percent higher in reading and 21 percent higher in math than children who didn't.

To find out what pre-school options are available in your state click here.

ABC News' Gigi Stone contributed to this report.