Bullfighting Terms
ByABC News
November 10, 2006, 3:31 PM
Nov. 11, 2006 — -- Aficionado -- a fan of bullfighting
Banderillero -- a matador's assistant who places darts in the bull's back
Barrera -- the wall surrounding the bullring, often red
Bota -- a wineskin
Callejon -- the small area between the barrera and the stands
Capote -- the pink and yellow cape
Cornada -- a goring
Corrida -- a bullfight
Cuadrilla -- the crew of assistants who travel with the matador
Fiesta Brava -- Literally, the wild feast. Another word for the bullfight
Manso -- a bull that won't fight
Muleta -- the red flannel cloth used in the third and final act of the bullfight
Oreja -- the ear of a bull
Picador -- matador's assistant who rides a horse and stabs the bull with a lance-like spear
Torear -- to bullfight