'What Would You Do?' Recap: Pastor Tries to Pray Gay Out of Teen, Bouncer Denies Overweight Club Patron

A recap of this week's episode of "What Would You Do?" with ABC's John Quiñones.

ByABC News
July 25, 2016, 12:04 PM
VIDEO: What Would You Do: Pastor Tries To Pray The Gay Out Of Teen
VIDEO: What Would You Do: Pastor Tries To Pray The Gay Out Of Teen

— -- Here is a recap of this week's episode of "What Would You Do?" with ABC's John Quiñones.

What Would You Do: Man is Outraged When His Friend Says He’s HIV Positive

Atlanta has one of the country’s highest rates of people diagnosed with HIV/AIDS. The hardest hit is the city’s African-American gay community. At a restaurant in downtown Atlanta, we have an actor "coming out" to his friend that he has just tested positive for HIV. Our other actor, his friend, reacts negatively and has a lot of questions about the subject. He’s worried that he could "catch" it because they have hugged each other and shaken hands. As the friend grows uncomfortable, will other people at the restaurant step in? What would you do? Watch what happens:

While at a restaurant, a man confesses to his friend that he's been diagnosed with HIV

What Would You Do: Man is Outraged When His Friend Says He's HIV Positive

While at a restaurant, a man confesses to his friend that he's been diagnosed with HIV

What Would You Do: Mother Can’t Afford to Give Her Son a Promised Toy Reward

How will the people of Marietta, Georgia, react to a mother and son who can’t afford a toy because they need the money to put food on the table? What would you do? Watch what happens:

A teen boy's parents and their pastor attempt to pray the gay out of him.

What Would You Do: Pastor Tries To Pray The Gay Out Of Teen

A teen boy's parents and their pastor attempt to pray the gay out of him.

What Would You Do: Pastor Tries to Pray the Gay Out of Teen

Conservative, Christian parents just can’t accept that their teenage son is gay. In a desperate attempt to “fix” him, they have their pastor try to pray the gay out of him. What would you do? Watch what happens:

While in a toy store, a mother can't afford to buy her child the gift she promised him as a reward for getting good grades.

What Would You Do: Mother Can't Afford To Give Her Son A Promised Toy Reward

While in a toy store, a mother can't afford to buy her child the gift she promised him as a reward for getting good grades.

What Would You Do: Picky Customer Tries Other Customers’ Meals Before Ordering

A diner (our actress) can’t decide what she wants to order, so she starts asking strangers if she can sample their food. Will they let her sample their pancakes, eggs, sausage -- or will they tell her no? What would you do? How will other customers react? Watch what happens:

An overly aggressive bouncer denies entry to an overweight woman waiting in line at a nightclub.

What Would You Do: Bouncer Denies Entry To Club To Overweight Patron

An overly aggressive bouncer denies entry to an overweight woman waiting in line at a nightclub.

What Would You Do: Bouncer Denies Entry to Club to Overweight Patron

Two girls are in line at a nightclub, excited about their night out. When they finally make it to the front of the line, however, they run into a bouncer who has a very strict (and completely offensive) admission policy. The “Man with the Clipboard” (also one of our actors), begins berating one of the girls about how she is not thin enough to get in. How will bystanders respond? What would you do? Watch what happens:

A diner patron is undecided on what to order so she takes it upon herself to try other diner patrons' meals.

What Would You Do: Picky Customer Tries Other Customers' Meals Before Ordering

A diner patron is undecided on what to order so she takes it upon herself to try other diner patrons' meals.