The Top 10 Places to Sell a Home

Check out the best cities in the nation for home sellers.

ByABC News via GMA logo
August 11, 2009, 3:58 PM

Aug. 11, 2009 — -- It's a tricky real estate climate nationwide, that's for sure, but in some markets home values are flat. Flat is the new "up" in a recession!

Actually, a few rare markets have even seen home values rise in the past year, 11 areas nationwide. In markets like this, sellers are getting close to their asking prices and are recouping the money they put into their home when they bought it.

Click here for the top 10 best places to buy.

Click here to learn more about Washington D.C.'s housing market and click here for a list of available properties.

Click here to learn more about Oklahoma City's housing market and click here for a list of available properties.

Click here to learn more about Boulder's housing market and click here for a list of available properties.

Click here to learn more about Yakima's housing market and click here for a list of available properties.

Click here to learn more about Jacksonville's housing market and click here for a list of available properties.

Click here to learn more about Binghamton's housing market and click here for a list of available properties.

Property values are up 4 percent compared with five years ago.

84 percent of homes sold for a gain

Click here to learn more about Little Rock's housing market and click here for a list of available properties.

Click here to learn more about Augusta's housing market and click here for a list of available properties.

Click here to learn more about Milwaukee's housing market and click here for a list of available properties.