This Man Will Do Anything You Tweet Him
For Six Days, David Perez Will Do What People Tell Him to Do Over Twitter
June 21, 2010
David Perez must be one trusting guy. Because for the next six days, he's agreed to do anything you want him to do, as long as you tell him to do it over Twitter.
Breaking the law is out, he said. And maybe nothing that will make his mom wince too hard. But everything else sent to his Twitter account, @DavidOnDemand, the 29-year-old Chicagoan said, is fair game.
"There will definitely be antics involved in this," Perez said.
And as he embarks on his bold and potentially bizarre adventure, his Internet-enabled masters will be able to follow along with a stealth cam attached to his glasses that will stream live video over the Web.
"You'll be able to see and hear everything I do," he said.
Perez isn't the first to use social media in unconventional ways. In April, an Arizona couple created the hashtag #tweetwed and used Twitter to share their wedding with the world. Last month, a man dubbed "Silent Clark" promised he would only communicate through Twitter, Facebook and other kinds of social media for one month to raise awareness for cancer.
But Perez is taking these experiments a bit further by letting Twitter lead is his life for one week and keeping a video camera on the entire time. (He did say he would use discretion. The camera will point away from him while he sleeps and up at the ceiling when he uses the bathroom.)
@DavidOnDemand 'Links Spontaneous Creativity With Real-Time Technology'
Perez is a creative recruiter for the advertising agency Leo Burnett, and it so happens that starting today, the world's biggest names in advertising enjoy a weeklong fete at the Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival in France. Perez was given a ticket to hobnob among them on the condition that he do it it live and at the Twittersphere's behest.
"What we're doing is a social media experiment to link spontaneous creativity and real-time technology together," he said.
As he gives his followers a behind-the-scenes view of the festival, he said he's showing his colleagues and the general public that "this technology is the next incarnation of our industry."
Is he worried?
"I'd be lying if I didn't say I was nervous," he said. But "I'm mostly ecstatic."
@DavidOnDemand Gives Behind-the-Scenes View of Ad Festival
Perez has had mixed reactions online, many pointing out that the stunt is just an ad campaign for the ad firm itself.
"Sounds like a ploy to draw attention to ad firm Leo Burnett," wrote Leslie Minora in the Village Voice. "Well, it's a bit creepy, kind of stupid, and altogether frivolous. But any publicity is good publicity, or so they say -- whoever they are. Regardless, I'll be watching,"
But industry watchers also say that the company is choosing a strategic moment to show the ad world that there's more to the 65-year-old company than meets the eye.
"Leo Burnett is not an agency that's been particularly synonymous with social media and digital media," said Jeremy Mullman, a reporter for Ad Age. "They're trying to take a stage where their own industry is paying attention."
He said the Chicago-based company is known for specializing in traditional, television campaigns. But with David on Demand, it's trying to show the industry that it gets where technology and the market are moving.
For his part, Perez said he's excited to see the work of his colleagues and meet the heroes of the field.
But he's hoping that some Twitter followers might tweet him some indulgences too.
"Considering the barbecue chicken pizza I had last night, I hope they're going to tweet me some great meals," he told in an interview Friday. "[There's] great wine and cheese. I'd love some of that."
"Tweet me a massage," he quipped.
And noting that actress (and Twilebrity) Alyssa Milano sent her nearly 890,000 Twitter followers a note about David on Demand, Perez said, "I hope she'll tweet me to have my own sitcom."