Monkey on the Loose at Memphis Zoo in Tennessee After Escaping From Enclosure

On the positive side, zoo patrons got free admission after the monkey escaped.

July 10, 2015, 12:09 AM

— -- A 3-year-old monkey named Zimm was on the loose Thursday at the Memphis Zoo in Tennessee after she escaped from her enclosure, zoo officials said.

Sections of the zoo were closed to visitors as zookeepers searched for the escaped Sulawesi Macaque, who they say weighs 10 to 15 pounds and is "absolutely harmless," ABC News affiliate WATN reported. The station added that zookeepers were able to corner Zimm and were trying to corral her, but were unsuccessful Thursday.

Laura Doty, Marketing and Communications Manager at the zoo, said zoo officials believe late Thursday that the monkey is asleep inside a drainage pipe or culvert, and that zookeepers are near the spot where Zimm is believed to be located.

Visitors reportedly got free admission at the zoo because of the "monkey business," and many patrons got a kick out of the story, according to WATN.

The zoo will investigate to see how Zimm was able to escape, Doty said.

One zoo visitor recorded a Snapchat video of the Zimm from afar.

Zimm is the only Sulawesi Macaque in the zoo.

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