EXCLUSIVE: Madonna's Latest Makeover

ByABC News
June 16, 2004, 4:09 PM

June 18, 2004 -- She's one of the most famous women in the world. She's got wealth and fame, a husband and two children, but Madonna's still searching for more. This time, though, the Material Girl is looking for something to settle her soul.

Watch the full Madonna interview tonight at 10 p.m. on 20/20 p.m.Read more excerpts on Madonna's views on mysticism and motherhood here. Read more excerpts on Madonna's reflections on her racier days here.

Madonna told ABC News' 20/20 there's something she wants but doesn't have: "I want to be more liberated from my ego less concerned with what people think of me."

Madonna says she's less concerned about others' opinions of her than she used to be, but still has "a long way to go."

"Once you enter the popularity sweepstakes, which you do when you become famous, whether you're a singer or an actress or a model, or a journalist a TV journalist, whatever you enter the world, of 'How am I doing? How's my ratings? How's my, you know, how do I look? Where am I in the 50 most beautiful people poll?' "

An artist who's built a career on controversy, she now admits she sometimes rebelled simply for the sake of rebelling. "The stance of a rebel is, 'I don't care what you think.' But if it's just for the sake of upsetting the apple cart, you're not really helping people. You turn the apple cart over and then what? Then everyone's looking at an apple cart that's turned over and they're like, well, now what do I do?"

Liberation Through Erotica?

Her days of taking her clothes off for photographers and pushing the censors' buttons on TV, she says now, were examples of going a bit too far just for the sake of it.

Still, she says her "Erotica" period and her critically panned 1991 book Sex were not only part of her ongoing effort to recreate herself, but were also an attempt to find some "deeper meaning."

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