20 Immigration Experts To Follow on Twitter

Up-to-the-minute updates on immigration reform.

ByABC News
January 4, 2013, 10:51 AM

Jan. 4, 2013— -- intro: Want to keep up with the immigration reform debate on Twitter?

Well, you can start with the ABC/Univision team (self-promotion alert) by following this list.

After that, here are 20 of the top tweeters on the issue, many of whom have a pro-reform bend, but are a good source of news regardless of one's views.

Know of someone who should be added to this list? Share it in the comments.

quicklist: 1title: Jose Antonio Vargas, Activist/Journalist, @joseiswritingtext: The most famous undocumented immigrant in the country, Vargas helped personalize the immigration debate by telling his story in a New York Times Magazine article in 2011.media: 18131882

quicklist: 2title: Prerna Lal, D.C.-based law clerk, @AQueerDesitext: A Dreamer, vocal activist and a law clerk, Lal understands the immigration system from the inside-out. What's more, she's publicly battled her own deportation proceedings . Online, she isn't afraid to call out the left or the right on immigrant rights issues. media: 18131917

quicklist: 3title: Elise Foley, politics and immigration reporter at The Huffington Post, @elisefoleytext: As tireless as she is snarky, Foley has been covering the intersection of politics and immigration since 2010, first for the Washington Independent, then for HuffPo. On Twitter you can find her commenting on everything from Congress to Corgis. media: 18131927

quicklist: 4title: Elizabeth Llorente, politics editor at Fox News Latino, @Liz_Llorentetext: Llorente doesn't focus on immigration exclusively, but she keeps a close eye on immigration news. She also has a way of finding the smaller stories that tie into the larger immigration tapestry. Stories like this one. media: 18131938

quicklist: 5title: Ben Winograd, staff attorney for the American Immigration Council, @benwinogradtext: Winograd is a policy buff who does a good job of explaining the complicated stuff. If you want it in laymans terms, this is your guy.media: 18131972

quicklist: 6title: Jorge Ramos, anchor at Univision, @jorgeramosnewstext: No other Spanish-speaking journalist in the U.S. has the reach and respect of Jorge Ramos, a longtime advocate of a pathway to citizenship for the 11 million undocumented. It's also no secret that he's well respected by U.S. pols, who don't mind sharing critical immigration-related news with a reporter who has this kind of audience.media: 18131996

quicklist: 7title: Jorge Rivas, multimedia editor / pop culture blogger at Colorlines.com, @thisisjorgetext: Expect to find Rivas conversing about issues like race, class and immigration, as part of the editorial team at Colorlines.com, a news site with investigative reporting and analysis.media: 18132091

quicklist: 8title: Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies, @MarkSKrikoriantext: Wondering about the argument for more restrictive immigration policies? As the head of the most respected restrictionist think-tank, Krikorian offers analysis through that prism, picking apart the arguments of those in favor of large-scale legalization and broader channels for immigration.media: 18132113

quicklist: 9title: Juan Escalante, social media strategist at Dream Activist, @JuanSaaatext: The recent Florida State grad is a core member of Dream Activist, the edgier arm of the DREAM movement (think hunger strikes and going undercover in detention centers). He'll tell you where the more politically aggressive young undocumented immigrants stand on reform.media: 18132145

quicklist: 10title: Daniel Costa, immigration policy analyst for the Economic Policy Institute, @costadanieltext: Costa has a background in immigration law and tends to dig into the economics of immigration from a labor perspective.media: 18132156

quicklist: 11title: Greg Siskind, immigration attorney in Memphis, @gsiskindtext: Siskind curates the aptly named "Greg Siskind on Immigration Law and Policy" blog. On Twitter, he'll keep you updated on the latest changes to immigration law. media: 18132185

quicklist: 12title: Alan Gomez, immigration reporter at USA Today, @alangomeztext: Gomez has experience covering Congress and war zones, and tweets out his daily immigration finds from around the web.media: 18132246

quicklist: 13title: Gaby Pacheco, activist, @GabyPacheco1text: Arguably the best-known DREAMer in the country, she once walked 1,500 miles from Miami to D.C. to promote immigration reform, tweeting the story along the way. Pacheco gives you the grassroots activist perspective.media: 18132256

quicklist: 14title: David Leopold, general counsel for the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA), @DavidLeopoldtext: Think of Leopold as a one-man immigration newswire with an advocacy bend.media: 18132274

quicklist: 15title: Alexander Nowrasteh, immigration policy analyst at the Cato Institute, @AlexNowrastehtext: He is Cato's top gun on immigration and makes the economic argument for fewer immigration restrictions.media: 18132284

quicklist: 16title: Angy Rivera, creator of the first advice column for undocumented youth, @AskAngytext: Rivera gives an unfiltered and personal take on issues like immigration and women's rights, with a focus on DREAMers.media: 18132306

quicklist: 17title: Philip Wolgin, immigration policy analyst at the Center for American Progress, @pwolgintext: Get your wonk on with Wolgin, an immigration policy buff who gives immigration news with a progressive slant.media: 18132295

quicklist: 18title: Ali Noorani, executive director of the National Immigration Forum, @anooranitext: A leading voice advocating for immigration reform, Noorani tweets out his organization's daily round-ups of immigration news along with reform updates.media: 18132317

quicklist: 19title: B. Loewe, comm. director at the National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON), @BstandsforBtext: Get an idea of what the workers on the ground think about immigration policy by tuning in to Loewe and NDLON, a network of 40 organizations dedicated to improving the lives of day laborers.media: 18132357

quicklist: 20title: Dara Lind, communications associate at America's Voice, @DLindtext: The lobbying group and powerhouse voice on immigration reform routinely roasts conservative restrictionists, and Lind is one of their lead tweeters.media: 18132367

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