Immigration? There's an App for That

6 Immigration-Related Smartphone Apps

ByABC News
February 15, 2013, 10:05 AM

Feb. 18, 2013 — -- intro: Want to become a U.S. citizen? Need an immigration attorney? Trying to reduce immigration levels? There's an app for all of that. Check out our list of six immigration-related mobile apps.

quicklist: 1title: 'Derechos Herencia' Apptext: Immigrants who aren't sure of their rights can look them up with this Android app, which provides information in both Spanish and English. The app's creator, Deyvid Morales, told Fox News Latino that he was inspired to design the app when he was detained by U.S. Border Patrol. The experience showed him how few of the people he was detained with understood their rights. "That's when I knew something had to be done," Morales said.

Price: free

media: 18515890

quicklist:2 title: 'I'm Getting Arrested' Apptext: This app, available on iPhones and Android phones, helps undocumented immigrants by sending out a message with geolocation to notify those who may be able to help during an arrest. Recipients of the message can include friends, family members, local consulates, and even attorneys. The app was designed by two Arizona immigrant rights organizations, Respecto-Respecto and Arizona Employers for Immigration Reform (AEIR), who saw a need in expediting communication during such events, according to The Huffington Post.

Price: free

media: 18515987

quicklist: 3title: 'Immigration FAQs' Apptext: For less than the cost of a latte, you could be the owner of this iPhone and iPad app, which clearly breaks down complicated immigration law. The app is meant to help immigrants trying to figure out which visas they can apply for and also provides due dates for the various visa applications.

Price: $2.99


Price: free


Price: free


Price: free
