Harry Potter 'Wrockers' Conjure Musical Magic

A new breed of local bands plays off the wizardry of J.K. Rowling's books.

ByABC News
January 8, 2009, 12:12 AM

July 13, 2007 — -- As millions of Harry Potter fans flock to movie theaters and bookstores this month, a smaller -- but just as devoted -- group of enthusiasts is hitting libraries, doughnut shops and house parties to hear a new genre of music.

Meet Harry and the Potters and Draco and the Malfoys, just two of nearly 200 Harry Potter-themed bands -- including the Hungarian Horntails, the Whomping Willows and the Remus Lupins -- who are touring venues across the country bringing their own style of "wrock" -- that's wizard rock -- to a generation that has grown up reading about the magical world of wands, spells and dragons.

For the last five years, brothers Paul and Joe DeGeorge have dressed in the full V-neck sweater and maroon and gold tie fashion of wizard-school Hogwarts and rocked local venues as Harry and the Potters.

Admittedly, their lyrical musings for songs like "Save Ginny Weasley," "Wizard Chess" and "Voldemort Can't Stop the Rock" come from their love of the popular books by J.K. Rowling. But when the DeGeorge brothers couldn't agree on who would get to "play" Harry in the band, both citing a self-proclaimed resemblance to the fictional character, the two conjured up a magical plot of their own.

"Harry Potter travels through time and starts a band with himself," said Joe. "I play Harry Potter in year four [of school] and my brother is Harry Potter from year seven."

Seem logical? Maybe not, but the concept of time travel does play off a theme from Rowling's books, and perhaps more importantly it allows both 28-year-old Paul and 20-year-old Joe to dress up like their favorite wizard hero. An idea perfectly fitting, considering their songs expressing the angst of "snogging" with love interest Cho Chang, and mysterious Christmas presents -- "I got a mysterious gift from my dead dad / It was an invisibility cloak -- how rad!"-- are sung from the perspective of Harry Potter himself.

Listen to "My Dad is Rich" by Draco and the Malfoys

The songs' details won't be lost on their audiences. More than 325 million Harry Potter books, in 65 different languages, have been printed worldwide and you can be sure the band's fans are avid readers. The frenzy has taken a firm hold on children, teens and adults alike, and this band doesn't discriminate. Harry and the Potters shows are open to all ages, with many performances held at local libraries. Kids are some of their most unabashed fans.

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