Gloria Allred: Tiger Woods's True Opponent?

Gloria Allred and alleged mistress Joslyn James keep pressure on Woods.

ByABC News
April 6, 2010, 5:30 AM

April 6, 2010 — -- A bevy of women linked to Tiger Woods are watching as he returns to professional golf this week. One of them might peer more closely than the rest.

In the wake of Woods' fall from grace, Gloria Allred emerged as a kind of crusader against the star golfer, representing at least two of his alleged mistresses (nightlife promoter Rachel Uchitel, porn star Joslyn James) and speaking on behalf of other women in Woods' life (his kindergarten teacher, Maureen Decker.)

As he rises back into the public eye, she's revving up her efforts to bring him down.

Monday, following Woods' press conference in Augusta, Ga. ahead of this week's Masters tournament, Allred and James held a press conference of their own in which the porn star called the golfer a "big fat liar." James (real name: Veronica Siwik-Daniels) shot down Woods' public promise to better himself as "big malarky" and noted that "after the birth of his first daughter Sam, he was with me 10 days later."

While James and Allred want an apology from Woods, they won't follow him to the Masters to get it. Allred said her client is moving on with her life, though James is still upset that "he lied to her when he said they would have a life together."

James isn't Allred's only ammo against Woods. Last week, she took a hit at him with the help of Woods' kindergarten teacher, who claims she's suffered with migraine headaches, elevated blood pressure and colitis because he perpetuated a false story that he was the victim of a racially charged attack on his first day of school.

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