Muhammad Ali to Appear on Sports Illustrated Cover for 40th Time
The June 13 issue will be available on newsstands on June 8.

— -- Every athlete dreams of gracing the cover of Sports Illustrated at one point in his or her career. For Muhammad Ali, the boxing legend who died Friday night at the age of 74, that dream is a reality 40 times over.
The three-time world heavyweight champion will be featured on the cover of Sports Illustrated for the 40th time in the upcoming June 13 issue, which will hit stands Wednesday, June 8, the magazine announced Saturday.
Photographer Neil Leifer shot the portrait of Ali as he trained at 5th Street Gym in Miami Beach on Oct. 9, 1970. Michael Jordan is the only athlete to have fronted Sports Illustrated more times than Ali, with 42 covers.
“Muhammad Ali was a singular force of athletics, humanitarianism and social equality unlike anyone in our history," Sports Illustrated Group editor Paul Fichtenbaum said in a statement today. "He was a fighter, and a champion, yet many of his most important victories came outside the ring. His legacy defines the very best of who we are and aspire to be.”
Here are a few of "the Greatest's" SI covers from his storied career.