Gay Bachelor TV Show Has Nasty Surprise

ByABC News
July 2, 2003, 5:55 PM

June 10 -- It started with a handsome, eligible man picking his ideal intended from a gaggle of beautiful women.

We continued with the opposite, a beautiful female and a bevy of boys vying for her lifelong attention.

In the interim, we threw in lovely ladies competing for the romantic consideration of a Tarzan-esque hunk who was supposed to be financially endowed.

We also got to see a gent who was chained to several lasses, a lass chained-linked to the gents, and another show where the general public got to choose the man and woman who would be partnered for eternity.

And who can forget the fair maiden who chose from a buffet of masked men, aided by relationship expert Monica Lewinsky?

You'd think we would've exhausted just about every way to finagle a dating show possible, right?


Thanks to the Bravo network, reality TV producers have one more trick up their diabolical sleeve Boy Meets Boy, wherein an eligible gay bachelor seeks true love.

Bravo for Bravo, right? Equal rights! Don't ask, don't tell!

That certainly would be fair enough if this show, debuting in July, were indeed fair. Surprise! Im Not Gay

We find out about halfway through this six-week dating fiesta that there's a sour-lemon twist. The bachelor learns that some of the remaining contestants are not homosexual.

Instead, they're actors pretending to be gay, added just to spice up the game.

Creators and executive producers Douglas Ross and Tom Campbell say the show is intended to "open up the hearts and minds of gay and straight viewers as they experience both the romantic journey of our leading man and the adventure of the straight mates having to walk a mile in a gay man's shoes."

As far as I can see, the concept may be groundbreaking, but the twist may open up a proverbial can of worms.

Think back to The Jenny Jones Show incident. In March of 1995, Jonathan Schmitz, then 26, agreed to appear on a secret admirers segment. Apparently, producers had led him to believe his admirer was a woman, not Scott Amedure, his gay neighbor.

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