Excerpt: Steve Harvey's 'Straight Talk, No Chaser'

Read an excerpt of the legendary entertainer's new book for women.

ByABC News via GMA logo
April 12, 2009, 5:43 PM

Dec. 7, 2010 — -- With a decades-long career in television, including his own show, Steve Harvey has conquered the media world. But during his rocket-like shot to the top, Harvey had his share of relationships and gained a lot of experience with women.

Now he's turning this experience into sage advice for the fairer sex. In his newest book, "Straight Talk, No Chaser" he teaches women how to "find, keep and understand a man."

Check out an excerpt of the book below, then head to the "GMA" Library for other great reads.

I can hear her heels clicking on the cement, coming faster and faster, louder and louder. She was working her way up three levels of the circular parking lot—she's skipped the elevators altogether and is running in the middle of the road trying to run me down before I make it to my car or to stop me if I start to drive away. Just as I am about to duck into the backseat, she catches me: "Steve Harvey! Steve Harvey! I . . . got . . . the . . . ring," she says, waving her left hand in my face while trying to catch her breath from the impromptu workout. She swallows hard, takes another breath, and then starts in again.

"You said to make marriage a requirement and tell him if he wanted to continue our relationship he needed to give me a ring. I did what you said to do and I got it, Steve Harvey. I got my ring!"

I hear stories like hers practically every day: some women send me letters, telling me they wish they'd had my first book, Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man, on their bookshelves when they were wasting time with a good-for-nothing guy; some women e-mail me stories about how they would have better recognized the guy worth holding on to if they had known in advance what motivates men, which I shared in that book; still others call into The Steve Harvey Morning Show or show up to my book signings, relationship panels, and television appearances, or send questions to my online dating site, thanking me for the insight and vowing to keep my advice in mind as they look for, get into, and forge relationships with the opposite sex. With more than two million books sold worldwide and translated into a myriad of languages in over thirty different countries, I'm proud to know that which I spoke about so passionately in Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man was digested, considered, discussed, and ultimately applauded all around the world. I'm also grateful for the doors it opened for me. I have been labeled a relationship expert on a national morning show and in one of the most well-read and respected women's magazines in the world (though I will maintain that I am merely an expert on the mind-set of men in terms of how we think and why we do what we do).