The first Gerber baby, now 91, met the current Gerber baby and the photo is adorable

Ann Turner Cook met Lucas Warren, who is the 2018 spokesbaby for the company.

June 6, 2018, 11:41 AM

The original Gerber baby and Gerber's 2018 spokesbaby, Lucas Warren, recently posed in a photo that's tugging at heart strings.

Ann Turner Cook, 91, who's still portrayed in the brand's iconic trademark logo, recently met Lucas and his family.

The Warrens said that Cook and Lucas "immediately bonded."

"Lucas walked right up to her, flashing his signature smile and waving, and we could tell he loved her right away," the Warrens told ABC News in a statement today. "He even grabbed two cookies and offered her one, which she accepted! Ann Turner Cook is truly a wonderful woman and pleasure to be around, and we couldn’t be more grateful that she took the time to meet with our family."

Gerber posted a photo of the encounter on the company's Instagram page Tuesday. The Warrens were on a trip near Cook's home and asked if Gerber could arrange the meeting, the company told ABC News in a statement.

"Gerber saw this as the perfect opportunity for the two iconic Gerber babies to meet in person," a spokesperson wrote in an email. "As you can see in this photo, Ann Turner Cook and Lucas were all smiles when they met!"

Lucas Warren was revealed as the Gerber Spokesbaby 2018 in February. He also has Down syndrome.

But Gerber said that's not why he was chosen.

Bernadette Tortorella, senior media manager for Gerber, told "Good Morning America" that Lucas was chosen from 140,000 entries for "the twinkle in his eye and his rosy cheeks," along with his sparkling personality.

Lucas' mother, Cortney Warren of Dalton, Georgia, told "GMA" at the time that when she was "completely shocked" when she found out Lucas had been selected. She described Lucas as "very energetic, loves to make others laugh. He's never met a stranger."

Jason Warren called his son being chosen "an honor."

"He has a platform to spread joy to everyone and we can't wait to see how much he changes people’s perception on what it means to be a baby with Down syndrome," he said.

ABC News' Genevieve Shaw Brown contributed to this report.

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