Kylie Bamberger was diagnosed with alopecia areata, also known as patchy hair loss, at age 12.
By her 15th birthday, as her condition become more severe, Bamberger said she decided to shave her head.
"I really wasn't comfortable with my bald head at all," Bamberger told "Good Morning America." So for years, she hid behind a wig full-time and didn't face her hair loss head-on.
But ultimately, she accepted her journey and learned to embrace her baldness.
"I found my tribe, and once I became comfortable with myself ... I was able to embrace who I am," she said.
Now bald and proud, Bamberger was introduced through her work with The Children's Alopecia Project to a line of products from Comprehensive Cranium Care made just for her and others who are bald.
"I think it's a cool way to help people who maybe aren't feeling very confident with their hair loss to have something that makes them feel like, hey this is for me," Bamberger said. "Like, you people with hair can't use this, this is specific for me."

The company makes personal care products just for bald, shaved and buzzed heads, so people can embrace their baldness. It's the first product line in this space.
"We are driven by the desire to empower our community and promote a message of bald positivity," company co-founder Adam Fitting told "Good Morning America."
The Chicago-based company is trying to help everyone embrace their baldness by using the hashtag #OwnYourDome on social media to spread awareness.
Fitting said he started the company after not being able to find a product that worked well for his shaved head.

"I simply couldn't find any grooming products that worked well for my shaved head, and I knew I wasn't alone in this frustration," said Fitting, who passionately set out to create a "clean" product that he would use himself.
The company has gained a following among communities ranging from people with alopecia and pattern baldness to those fighting cancer.
Like Bamberger, Keya Trammell told "GMA" that having a custom product created for her is empowering.
"It's special for me because when I was younger I didn't have anything specifically for my head and I wasn't even comfortable sharing my head," said Trammell, who also has alopecia. "But now that I am, it's like something is made just for me."

A portion of Comprehensive Cranium Care's sales benefits The Children's Alopecia Project, and the company also donates products to events around the country that raise money for the St. Baldrick's Foundation to fight childhood cancer.