Decked Out in Times Square to Support Tsunami Victims

ByABC News via GMA logo
February 10, 2005, 11:41 AM

Feb. 22, 2005 -- -- Bryan Berg, a record-setting builder of playing-card structures, helped "Good Morning America" kick off a major event in the morning show's Times Square Studio on Feb. 11.

Berg worked for about 18 hours a day, for 10 days straight, to construct a skyline of New York City filled with some of its most famous landmarks.

The event was part of an effort to provide relief to victims trying to rebuild their lives after the devastating tsunami that hit Asian nations on Dec. 26. Berg used about 178,000 playing cards during the skyline's construction, each symbolically representing a victim who lost their life in the natural disaster.

Viewers were invited to make donations through three charities that teamed up with "GMA" for "Decked Out in Times Square." Feed the Children, Habitat for Humanity and Mercy Corps have been taking donations via their Web sites:

Donate Via Feed the Children

Donate Via Habitat for Humanity

Donate Via Mercy Corps

Bryan Berg would like to thank Allegra Network ( and the Chicago Playing Card company ( for the playing cards used in "Decked Out in Times Square."

Find out more about Berg at

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