State Failed Jaycee Dugard: New Report Says Parole Agents Spoke to Her in Captivity

Report says parole agents spoke with Jaycee Dugard and daughter and did nothing.

ByABC News via GMA logo
July 1, 2010, 1:28 PM

July 8, 2010— -- California parole agents spoke with alleged kidnapping victim Jaycee Dugard during her apparent captivity but failed to follow up despite her alleged captor's sex offender status, according to a new report.

Dugard, now 30, made mention of the visit during negotiations that led to the state's recent decision to pay her $20 million for failing to properly supervise her alleged captor, registered sex offender Phillip Garrido."

State agents also spoke to Dugard's oldest daughter, one of two children she bore, allegedly to Garrido, during her 18-year ordeal, according to the report, which was prepared by the state attorney general's office and initially obtained by The Associated Press.

The report did not mention exactly when Dugard spoke to the parole agents.

It is the latest in an embarrassing string of apparent missteps on the part of the state's parole system.

A scathing investigation last year by the California Office of the Inspector General concluded that Garrido's state parole officers had missed numerous opportunities to locate and rescue Dugard and her children from their backyard prison.

She was eventually found last August when two UC-Berkeley police officers notified authorities after finding Garrido handing out religious materials on campus, Dugard's daughters in tow.

Dugard, kidnapped in broad daylight in 1991, had been living in a dirty backyard labyrinth of tents and sheds. She has been living in an undiclosed location in northern California with her daughters, now 12 and 15, and her mother.

The $20 million settlement was reached with Dugard and the Department of Justice on June 24.

Jaycee Dugard's Alleged Kidnappers Awaiting Trial

As late as 2006, police were called to the house to investigate reports that Garrido had children living with him. Even then, Dugard and her children were never found. During parole checks, Garridos house was inspected, but officers never checked the backyard.

And in 2008, agents apparently discovered Dugard's eldest daughter at the home, but accepted the explaination that she was Garrido's niece.

The Dugard case, as well as this year's conviction of registered sex offender John Albert Gardner for the murder of southern California teenagers Amber DuBois and Chelsea King, brought to light the inadequacies of the state's parole sytem, which struggles with a disproportionately high number of offenders to parole officers.

Phillip Garrido and his wife Nancy Garrido have both been charged with numerous counts of kidnapping and rape and are awaiting trial. They have pleaded not guilty.

Dugard has spent the last 11 months in an undisclosed location in northern California with her daughters, allegedly fathered by Garrido, and her mother.

She has been seen rarely in the last year, appearing briefly in a home video provided to ABC News in March.

"Hi I'm Jaycee. I want to thank you for your support and I'm doing well," Dugard said in her first public statement since the arrest of her alleged captors. She was seated, dressed in a black shirt and jeans and a pink baseball cap, and feeding two spaniels.

"It's been a long haul," she said, "but I'm getting there."

The Associated Press contributed to this report.