Sara Moulton

ByABC News via GMA logo
October 4, 2004, 2:17 PM

— -- Sara Moulton officially joined ABCNEWS' Good Morning America in March of 1996 as a Foods Contributor, although she has been contributing reports to the program for several years.

Moulton currently serves as a food editor for Gourmet, a position she has held since 1984.

A Culinary Institute of America graduate, she was awarded a scholarship from Les Dames d'Escoffier for her achievement. While at Cybele's in Boston, she worked with Julia Child as associate chef on More Julia Child And Company and later as executive chef of Julia's segments on Good Morning America.

Sara helped to found the Women's Culinary Guild of News England, and co-founded the N.Y. Woman's Culinary Alliance.

She also worked as executive chef for Good Morning America for a number of years, cooking behind-the-scenes for the show's guests. She appears regularly on After Hours at Gourmet, and hosts Cooking Live, a live cooking/call-in show on the cable Food Network.