Hoops Player Scores 61 for Slain Grandpa

ByABC News via GMA logo
December 29, 2002, 8:28 PM

Dec. 30 -- A high school basketball player in Winston-Salem, N.C., who was grieving over his grandfather's murder scored 61 points in his honor one for each year that the man was alive.

As the star point guard and senior class president at West Forsyth High School, Chris Paul had plenty of people in his corner, but none meant more to him than his grandfather, 61-year-old service station owner Nathaniel Jones.

"He's been running the service station for years, and he'd let his customers know, if I had a game, 'I'm closing up early to go see my grandson play,'" said Paul.

For Paul and his family, Nov. 14 was one of the happiest days of their lives. It was the day Paul accepted a full basketball scholarship to nearby Wake Forest University. The very next day, Paul was at a high school football game when a cousin gave him some shocking news: His grandfather had been found slain.

"Everyone has to die, but I just thought my granddad was one of those people who never would," Paul said.

One Point for Each Year

Five juveniles have been charged with the murder. Jones was beaten and left to die in a carport just outside his home in Winston-Salem, police said. His wallet was missing.

Still grieving, Paul seized on a plan to honor his grandfather in his next game by scoring one point for every year of his grandfather's life. All 61 of them.

After returning to the basketball court, his first thought was "How can I go out there on that court knowing my grandfather's not there?" Paul said. "And my aunt mentioned before I went to the Parkland game, she said, 'How about 61 points for your granddad?' And I just thought to myself, 'That would be lovely' and I just thought to myself, 'Ain't no way I can do that.'"

But he did.

Staying within the flow of the game and without his parents knowing what he had planned Paul scored 24 points in the second quarter alone. By the end of the third quarter, West Forsyth had the game wrapped up, and word began to spread through the crowd about Paul's remarkable tribute.