Jennifer Lopez on New Movie 'Enough'

ByABC News, via GMA
May 22, 2002, 11:57 AM

N E W   Y O R K, May 22 -- Jennifer Lopez talks about her new record, her new marriage, and her new movie, Enough, with ABCNEWS' Diane Sawyer.

The following is the uncorrected, unedited transcript of the interview that aired on Good Morning America.


It's a movie about a woman who decides to fight back against an abusivehusband and I mean literally fight back. Feeling that the systemcannot protect her, she will protect herself. She has no choice.Here's a clip. (Clip from "Enough")And Jennifer Lopez joins us now. You know, it's so interestingbecause often when actors come here, you watch them watch themselvesabsolutely like this. But you didn't.


SAWYER:Do you like watching yourself or does it make you just a little bitedgy?

LOPEZ:Sometimes. The first time I see it, I really watch, but then afterthat, I kind of, you know, it's weird to see yourself over and over,and I'm used to doing it now. At first, I used to just shakeuncontrollably, you know. I remember seeing my first movie, youknow, they had a little screening for the actors, and I was just inthe first 20 minutes of the movie. And for the rest of the two hours,I was still like a nervous wreck. I hated it, but, you know, I've gotten used to it over the years.

SAWYER:Scary movie, I told you this. I can't watch a lot of sceneswhen I get scared. I'm a real wuss in a movie. And you saidyour grandmother was so panicked during it?

LOPEZ:She saw it, she was at the premiere last night, and she saw the movieand I was like, you know, 'Buela, how did you like it?' And she waslike, 'I liked the end, I liked the end.' And I said, 'Whatabout the beginning,' and she was like 'Hm.' So later on, I see BillyCampbell, and

SAWYER:Who is your husband in the movie.

LOPEZ:Who plays the husband. And he said, 'Your grandmotherbeat on me.' She was like, 'I no like you,' because she doesn'tspeak any English. 'I no like. Very, very bad,' you know.

SAWYER:He better watch out for her stalking him someday.


SAWYER:Well, let's talk about this a little bit, because, in the movie, yousay, or effectively, somebody says to you, 'I'm not going to be oneof those women in a Country Western song, here.'


SAWYER:'I'm going to take action.'


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