GMA: Tiffany Shlain, Internet Expert

ByABC News via GMA logo
September 15, 2000, 2:31 PM

Sept. 15 -- Can the Web profoundly change your lifestyle and bring you happiness?

Maybe not but it can help you increase your salary, and that should make you pretty happy. Tiffany Shlain, Internet expert and founder and director of the Webby Awards, explains how you can use the Net to boost your salary. is one of the sites Shlain recommends checking to find out what others are making in your position. Theres nine or 10 of these sites right now. This is one of the best, says Shlain.

Where Do You Fit?

If youre a school principal, you can find out what other principals in different areas of the country are making. You can see the average, but the site also will show you the low and high end for every profession, so you get to see where you fit on the range.

The site features just about every profession under the sun. That means you can figure out what all of your friends should be making. And if youre thinking of switching jobs, you can find out what the profession pays before you make the leap.

Salary Surprises

While on, Shlain found that an army sergeant makes only $21,000 only $1,000 more than what a janitor makes. A child day-care provider averages out at about $19,000 a year.

Sites like this are likely to change how salaries are decided, since employers are logging on, too. Before interviewing job candidates, they check out whats posted online to make sure their offer is competitive.

The site also features career advice and negotiating tips. Also look for links to job fairs and a fun section on dream jobs such as shopping for your living. Yes, this job really does exist. The title? Hollywood Stylist.