95-Year-Old Woman Graduates from College

A 95-year-old woman becomes the oldest college graduate in history.

ByABC News, via GMA
May 12, 2007, 12:14 PM

May 12, 2007 — -- On Saturday in Kansas, a 95-year-old woman will become the world's oldest college graduate.

Nola Ochs, who began taking college classes more than 30 years ago, has become a celebrity on the campus of Fort Hays State University in Kansas, where she will graduate with a degree in history.

"Several years ago, I quit counting my age," Ochs said. "We celebrated my birthday, but I didn't want to be told how old I am."

Like her younger classmates, Ochs's college career has been filled with activity -- researching papers online from her campus apartment, writing reports and occasionally offering words of wisdom to her less-seasoned fellow students.

While there will be many graduates along side Ochs on Saturda, there is one in particular who holds a special place in her heart -- her 21-year-old grandaughter, Alexandra Ochs.

"I'm really happy to be able to do this with her," Alexandra Ochs said. "It's so significant and so amazing at her age and at my age to graduate together from college in the same year is really an astounding thing."

Her grandmother agrees that it's a special event.

"Because she's been such a companion to me and all, it's very special to me that I graduate with her," she said.

The two will receive their diplomas on stage, together.

Just like any other eager college graduate the elder Ochs can't wait for life's next challenge.

"I plan to seek employment on a cruise ship, going around the world as a storyteller," she said.

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