Dating When You Don't Have a Job

Advice for men on how to find a relationship when you're unemployed.

ByABC News via GMA logo
July 3, 2009, 2:19 PM

July 09, 2009— -- In tough economic times, what do women expect from a potential mate?

With the help of two dating services, and Premier Match, "Good Morning America" assembled a panel of eight single women to get their thoughts on dating in a recession.

One woman, Monique DiSalvo, 38, said that man's job is "definitely a factor."

"I feel that a job is an important factor," said another participant, Marissa Clarke, "but how ambitious you are is an even bigger factor for me."

Clarke added that she expects the man to pay on a first date if he asked her out, and other women agreed.

When asked if she would date a man who was unemployed, DiSalvo said no.

"I guess it depends too on your stage in life and where you're going, how quickly you want to get married and be serious with someone," she explained.

But in difficult economic times, opinions about dating someone who is unemployed are evolving.

"If you would have asked me this last year I would have said no, but ... today it's a completely different question," said participant Maria Keeler.

According to a recent survey by, of 2,700 members, 71 percent said they would still date someone who just lost their job.

That's good news for 38-year-old Mark Ruggiero, a single man who lost his job at a hedge fund approximately seven months ago. He admits he tied his self-worth to his successful career, making dating now an intimidating proposition.