Exclusive: 'thirtysomething' Cast Reunion on 'GMA'!

Seven stars talk to "GMA" about what series meant to a generation of viewers.

ByABC News, via GMA
August 24, 2009, 4:12 PM

Aug. 25, 2009— -- If "Seinfeld" was the TV show about nothing, then "thirtysomething" was the show about everything.

From the very first episode on ABC in 1987, "thirtysomething" seemed like a scripted reality show, peering into the inner recesses of seven lives -- two couples, three singles -- in late 1980s Philadelphia.

The first season of the show is finally available on DVD. The whole "thirtysomething" cast -- Ken Olin (Michael Steadman), Mel Harris (Hope Steadman), Melanie Mayron (Melissa Steadman), Timothy Busfield (Elliot Weston), Patricia Wettig (Nancy Weston), Polly Draper (Ellyn Warren) and Peter Horton (Gary Shepherd) came together for a reunion on "Good Morning America."

"It's 20 years ... it's a long time," said Patricia Wettig, but "there's just a chemistry with the seven of us."

"We hadn't been together as a whole group since, really, the show," Peter Horton said. "It felt so natural and like we hadn't left each other."

It seems "like no time had gone past, except for when we see the pictures," joked Melanie Mayron.

CLICK HERE for photos of the cast then and now.

The Michael and Hope Steadman characters were at the center of the series, struggling with a new baby, a fixer-upper home that never gets fixed, and trying to keep love and passion alive when there are just so many hours in a day.

Eliot and Nancy Weston were parents to two active kids, striving and failing to reconnect after years of emotional distance.

Gary Shepherd and Melissa Steadman were former lovers, and friends, and Ellyn Warren was the quintessential, successful career gal.

"There seemed to be, out of the seven of us," a character everyone could relate to, Mayron said.

When asked to sum up their 30s in one word, Polly Draper said "survival."

"Seems like I would say 'young' now," Wettig joked, but she later said the one word for her would be "family." Her 30s both on and off the show were "so connected for me with having children."

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