World's Oldest Woman Dies at 114

ByABC News
November 2, 2000, 4:51 PM

L O N D O N, Nov. 2 -- The worlds oldest woman died today just sixdays short of her 115th birthday.

Eva Morris had attributed her longevity to whiskey and boiledonions.

She died peacefully in her sleep at the Autumn House NursingHome in central England.

The homes matron says Morris was well right up to her lastnight.

Record Holder

Born in England in 1885, Morris was widowed in the 1930s. Shelived in her own apartment until she was 107.

Her only child died of cancer in 1975 at the age of 62.

Morris death comes a week after Britains oldest man, formerRoyal Engineer Bill Lee, died at 108.

Morris was recognized as the oldest woman in the world by theGuinness Book of Records in March.

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