Chronology of Summit Talks at Camp David
T H U R M O N T, Md., July 20 -- Following is a chronology of theMiddle East summit talks at Camp David.
June 28 — Secretary of State Madeleine Albright meetsIsraeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak and Palestinian PresidentYasser Arafat in the Middle East to try to arrange a summitbefore a crucial Sept. 13 peace deadline. Palestinians saylower-level talks are needed before any summit, but both sidessay they will defer to President Clinton on how to proceed.
July 5 — Clinton invites parties to Camp David, site oflandmark 1978 Israeli-Egyptian peace accords, saying there is“no guarantee of success” for talks.
July 10 — Barak’s coalition shatters as three right-leaningparties bolt government over fears the prime minister willconcede too much to Arafat. Barak narrowly survivesno-confidence motion on eve of departure for Camp David.
July 11 — Clinton launches summit behind wall of officialsecrecy. During a photo session, Barak and Arafat joviallywrestle to insist the other be first to enter a cabin.
July 12 — Removing an irritant in Israeli-U.S. relations,Barak cancels signed deal, strongly opposed by Washington, tosell advanced airborne radar system to China. Barak and Arafathold bilateral meeting without U.S. mediation.
July 13 — Arafat threatens to walk out, sources say, inanger over U.S. bridging proposals Palestinians say are tooclose to Israeli positions. Clinton intervenes and withdrawsproposals, averting crisis. White House calls talks “tense.”
July 14 — Washington bars three Palestinian officials, pastopponents of Arafat’s interim peace deals, from entering CampDavid for meeting aimed at shoring up the Palestinian leader.Clinton, Barak and Arafat hold second trilateral meeting.
July 15 — Talks slow for Jewish Sabbath. Sources reportrising Palestinian optimism. Israelis say gaps remain wide.
July 16 — Clinton tells New York’s Daily News “some progress” has been made but it is unclear if talks, thetoughest he has experienced, will succeed. Expert-level teamsdiscuss water, economics and civil affairs at U.S. center nearCamp David.