Baby's Photo Bears Uncanny Resemblance to Great-Great Grandfather in 109-Year-Old Pic

Dallas English's 11-month-old son Ace has uncanny resemblance to old photo.

ByABC News
September 7, 2015, 2:36 PM
Baby’s Photo Is Identical to Great-Great Grandfather’s Photo 109 Years Earlier
Baby’s Photo Is Identical to Great-Great Grandfather’s Photo 109 Years Earlier
Courtesy Dallas English

— -- The apple certainly didn’t fall far from the tree in this family.

When Dallas English came across his cousin’s Facebook post of a 109-year-old photo of their relative, he couldn’t help but notice the uncanny resemblance to his 11-month-old son, Ace.

“As soon as I saw the picture my jaw dropped because it looks like it IS my son sitting there in a baptism dress,” English, 30, wrote to ABC News. “It still amazes me.”

English was so blown away, he created a split image of his baby boy side-by-side with the photo of his paternal great-great grandfather, Lloyd English.

“It is crazy how genes work!,” English wrote. “I know it’s the same bloodline and all but still, 109 year difference and they look the same.”

The photo now has more than 1 million views after being posted to Reddit, but English isn’t really surprised by that.

“I think people like old-timey comparisons because it’s so interesting seeing life from so long ago, thinking about how this was a photo for a baptism and that was probably the only childhood photo he had taken because taking a picture was such a huge deal back then,” he explained. “Then fast forward to today and I have hundreds of photos of Ace on my phone in my pocket right now. It’s just so amazing how fast technology has progressed to this point.”

English is no stranger to connecting with old photos, however. He recently made headlines for recreating a photo in his military uniform holding his son Ace that is similar to a meaningful picture he took with his own father 30 years earlier.

“I came back across it at my dad’s in an old family album,” he told ABC News in July. “I was going through a bunch of the pictures and I made a copy of this one because it’s one of my favorites. As soon as I saw I thought to myself, ‘It would be really neat to recreate it when I have a son or a daughter.’”

Now that he’s checked that recreation photo of his bucket list, he’d love for Ace to continue it into a third generation if he chooses to join the military.

“It’s just a heritage-type thing,” English said. “I think it’ll be neat for him to look back on it to see his grandfather and dad as a baby, and then his dad and him as a baby. It’d be really awesome if he could do the same photo too in like 25 or 30 years.”