This Grumpy Puppy Is Actually Quite Happy

Move over grumpy cat, there's a new sour-pup in town.

ByABC News
July 28, 2015, 2:48 PM

— -- This grumpy puppy must be having a very, very bad day.

Or not.

Seems sourpuss is just Earl the dog's "look."

Earl, the very grumpy five-month-old puppy is shown in this photo. The peeved pup went viral when a picture of him sporting his best sullen expression was posted on Reddit and quickly gained more than two million views.

The five-month-old pup from Iowa isn't grumpy at all, his owner Derek Bloomfield said. It seems Earl's grumpy expression is due primarily to his under bite, but also his breed. A "puggle" -- beagle and pug mix, also isn't helping to lighted up his adorable mug.

PHOTO: Earl, a very grumpy five-month-old puppy is shown in this photo.
Earl, the very grumpy five-month-old puppy is shown in this photo. The peeved pup went viral when a picture of him sporting his best sullen expression was posted on Reddit and quickly gained more than two million views.

Earl may be the perfect pup to teach humans a life lesson: Don't judge on looks alone. Although he looks fierce, Bloomfield said he's actually "super friendly" to humans and other dogs.