Llama and Cat Prove Friendship Knows No Bounds at Rescue Farm
Sparkle and Rosie are the ultimate BFFs.
— -- Thelma and Louise. Wilma and Betty. And now, Sparkle and Rosie.
The llama and cat duo are winning the hearts of animal lovers everywhere with their bizarre, yet adorable friendship.
Sparkle, an estimated 8-to-10-year-old llama and Rosie, a 6-year-old feline, nuzzle daily on their 14-acre farm in Pennsylvania, but it wasn't until they were adopted that the world became aware of their connection.
"The previous owner said Rosie started hanging around the barn and the two took up a natural friendship," said Roy Hernesh, director of the Farm Animal Rescue of Mifflinburg and owner of the two animals. "In the winter, Sparkle would be laid [on] the ground and Rosie would snuggle up to her and keep warm."
He added: "I understand Rosie gets warmth and affection, [but] I'm not sure what Sparkle gets out of it. Maybe she just likes the cat. It's really cute."

Hernesh told ABC News that he and his wife, Lorie, took in Sparkle and Rosie in September 2015 after their former owner asked the Herneshes to take in her herd of all 10 llamas without having to separate the animals. The woman also requested that the couple adopt Sparkle's best friend, Rosie the cat.

"We thought maybe she was exaggerating a little, but they really do have a special bond and it's sort of unusual," Hernesh said.
When the Herneshes noticed that Sparkle and Rosie were unbreakable, they started documenting their closeness. Photos and video of the two quickly attracted attention on the Internet.

"I think there's a common misconception about llamas being nasty, spitting animals and they're actually not," Hernesh said. "Sparkle is amongst the most receptive llamas ... she loves being stroked and petted, she likes human interaction. She runs on what we call, 'Sparkle time.' When the herd is moving, she's the last one ... she just kind of does her own thing at her own pace and she likes to be with who she likes to be with. She has two llama friends and Rosie. She enjoys sitting in the sunshine and she's just a pleasure for us."

Although Rosie is devoted to Sparkle, the cat also shows curiosity toward the horses, goats and a few other animals at the farm, Hernesh said.