2016 Race Stays at 47-43 Through Sunday (POLL)

The ABC/Post tracking poll stood pat at 47 percent Clinton, 43 Trump.

ByABC News
November 7, 2016, 3:00 PM

— -- Rolling forward to interviews conducted Thursday through Sunday, the ABC News/Washington Post tracking poll shows the same results as its previous estimate of 47 percent for Hillary Clinton and 43 percent for Donald Trump, with Gary Johnson still at 4 percent and Jill Stein now at 1 percent.

It’s 49 percent for Clinton and 46 percent for Trump race in a hypothetical two-way race, when Johnson and Stein supporters are asked to choose between the Republican and Democratic nominees. This reflects that Republicans and GOP-leaning independents show slightly more support for third-party candidates in general than do Democrats, 8 percent versus 5 percent, and for Johnson in particular, 5 percent versus 2 percent.

The latest estimate is based on interviews with 2,220 likely voters Nov. 3 to 6, with an error margin of plus or minus 2.5 percentage points. Other results aren’t materially different from those in our full report this morning.

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