Meet Ann Romney's Five Sons

Everything you need to know about the 5 Romney sons.

ByABC News
May 10, 2012, 7:31 PM

— -- intro: In her first op-ed of the campaign, Ann Romney reflects on motherhood just days before Mother's Day. Although she's now the mother of five and a grandmother of 18, she says she never held a baby before she had her first son, Tagg.

She mentions the trials of taking care of five boys and how husband Mitt always brings her lilacs on Mother's Day. But the most emotional part is when she talks about missing her own mother, who died of cancer.

"I remember she was a wonderful cook," Romney writes in USA Today. "I remember how much she loved my dad. Ours was a loving home, where I knew the light was always on. I wish I could tell her again how much I love her. The most trying time of my life was when I became the mother who had to take care of her as she was suffering in the last stages of ovarian cancer. The hardest thing for us all, I think, is the day we lose our moms."

Romney says her own mother was a "career woman" who worked as a cosmetics rep and she "never expected to get married," until she met Mrs. Romney's father.

"The same passion she had for her work she poured into being a mother," Romney writes. "I never lacked for confidence or a sense of self-worth. How could I when my mom seemed to think I had hung the moon? People would tell her, as people are wont to do with little girls, that she had a beautiful daughter. 'If only you knew,' she would say, 'how much more beautiful she is on the inside.'"

Romney, whose 17th and 18th grandchildren were born just last week, writes that raising five boys was difficult and she "won't sugarcoat it"

"There were times I wanted to tear my hair out," Romney said, before noting her sons had "a directness and forgiveness [that] shaped me into who I am today."

"My boys had a way of putting their emotions and their disputes on the table," Romney writes. "And more important, they had a way of leaving them there, of walking away without worrying about the things that might distance them, or letting hard feelings fester and grow."

Those boys are now five grown men who, despite a lower profile than their father's last campaign, can still be caught on the trail at times. So who are the five Romney boys? Here's the ABC News guide to the Romney sons.

quicklist: 1category: The Eldesttitle: Tagg Romney, 42text: Wife: Jen

Kids: 6. Tagg has the eldest grandchild (16-year-old Allie) and the youngest (newborns born last week via surrogate: David Mitt and William Ryder)

Reside in: Belmont, Mass.

Occupation: Runs a private equity firm, Solamere Capital, and also informally advises his father's campaign

Fun fact: Worked for the LA Dodgers before leaving in 2008 to work for his dad's campaign


quicklist: 2category: "The Cool One"title: Matt Romney, 40text: Wife: Laurie

Kids: 4

Resides: San Diego, Calif.

Occupation: commercial real estate broker

Fun facts: He leads the brothers in gaffes. He said about Obama, 'I think he's great.' He campaigned in Hawaii. Also fumbled when he said his father would release his tax returns when Obama released his college grades and birth certificate.

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quicklist: 3category: "Mitt Mobile" Drivertitle: Josh, 36text: Wife: Jen

Kids: 3

Resides: Salt Lake City

Occupation: Real estate developer

Fun fact: He drove the 'Mitt Mobile' through each of 99 counties in Iowa during the 2008 primary campaign. Also has his own political ambitions, and in 2008 and 2009 he was contemplating runs for a House seat and lieutenant governor of Utah, eventually deciding against both.

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quicklist: 4category: The quiet onetitle: Ben, 33text:Wife: Andelynne

Kids: 1

Resides: Salt Lake City

Occupation: Medical resident in radiology

Fun fact: He's the only guy with blond hair in the family.

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quicklist: 5category: The babytitle: Craig, 30text: Wife: Mary

Kids: 2

Resides: San Diego, Calif.

Occupation: Formerly a music producer at an ad agency

Fun fact: Speaks Spanish fluently, and often does Hispanic media on Mitt's behalf. His son Parker Mitt, now 4, was a baby star during the 2008 campaign, often stopping to shake voters' hands and woo them with cuteness.

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